The Hat That Wore Clara B. by Melanie Turner-Denstaedt

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The Hat That Wore Clara B. by Melanie Turner-Denstaedt.jpg

The Hat That Wore Clara B. was written by Melanie Turner-Denstaedt and illustrated by Frank Morrison. On Amazon site this book got mostly five starts from the readers. This 32 pages long book is suitable for the reader from 4-8 years old. [1]   


On Mother’s Sunday at church, Clara B.’s grandma has the most beautiful hat of all the ladies. When people compliment her on it, she says, “Honey, I’m not wearing this hat. This hat is wearing me!” Clara B. likes to sit behind the hat in church and pretend it is wearing her. One day Clara B. decides that pretending isn’t enough, and she waits for her chance at the hat. But when the right times comes along and she finally gets her hands on it, things don’t come as she wants. Exuberant illustrations by Frank Morrison perfectly showing a colorful African American Baptist tradition also the special relationship between a girl, her grandma, and a big, bold, beautiful hat. [2]


Angelica rated this book four stars because she really liked how this book was based on African America culture, specifically focusing on their Baptist tradition of have Mother's Sunday at church. This book revolves around a young black girl named Clara B., her beloved grandmother, as well as a fancy hat. It offers many beautiful illustrations and is a fun read. This book could be used to talk about different cultures or traditions.

Other reader named Mariah Schoenborn had different point of view, she absolutly gave five stars to this book, because this book showed realistic fiction book that gives a snapshot into a tradition called "Mother's Sunday" that was practiced by the African-American Church to honor older mothers, and is still popular today. What an adorable book! she looked forward to pulling this book out around Mother's Day for her future students to enjoy [3]
