Template:Infobox element/symbol-to--overview-IDs

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Element IDs
Z Symbol Name Shy-
QID Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg d:zh AQ note
[E] [E] [E] [E]
1 H hydrogen
  isotopes of hydrogen
hydroTemplate:Shygen d:Q556 FA Featured article
2 He helium
  isotopes of helium
heTemplate:Shylium d:Q560 FA Featured article
3 Li lithium
  isotopes of lithium
lithTemplate:Shyium d:Q568 GA Good article
4 Be beryllium
  isotopes of beryllium
berylTemplate:Shylium d:Q569 GA Good article
5 B boron
  isotopes of boron
boron d:Q618 GA Good article
6 C carbon
  isotopes of carbon
carbon d:Q623 GA Good article
7 N nitrogen
  isotopes of nitrogen
nitroTemplate:Shygen d:Q627 GA Good article
8 O oxygen
  isotopes of oxygen
oxyTemplate:Shygen d:Q629 FA Featured article
9 F fluorine
  isotopes of fluorine
fluorTemplate:Shyine d:Q650 FA Featured article
10 Ne neon
  isotopes of neon
neon d:Q654 GA Good article
11 Na sodium
  isotopes of sodium
soTemplate:Shydium d:Q658 GA Good article
12 Mg magnesium
  isotopes of magnesium
magneTemplate:Shysium d:Q660 B B-Class article
13 Al aluminium
  isotopes of aluminium
aluminTemplate:Shyium d:Q663 B B-Class article
14 Si silicon
  isotopes of silicon
siliTemplate:Shycon d:Q670 GA Good article
15 P phosphorus
  isotopes of phosphorus
phosTemplate:Shyphorus d:Q674 C C-Class article
16 S sulfur
  isotopes of sulfur
sulfur d:Q682 C C-Class article
17 Cl chlorine
  isotopes of chlorine
chlorTemplate:Shyine d:Q688 GA Good article
18 Ar argon
  isotopes of argon
argon d:Q696 GA Good article
19 K potassium
  isotopes of potassium
potasTemplate:Shysium d:Q703 GA Good article
20 Ca calcium
  isotopes of calcium
calTemplate:Shycium d:Q706 GA Good article
21 Sc scandium
  isotopes of scandium
scanTemplate:Shydium d:Q713 GA Good article
22 Ti titanium
  isotopes of titanium
titaTemplate:Shynium d:Q716 FA Featured article
23 V vanadium
  isotopes of vanadium
vanaTemplate:Shydium d:Q722 C C-Class article
24 Cr chromium
  isotopes of chromium
chromTemplate:Shyium d:Q725 GA Good article
25 Mn manganese
  isotopes of manganese
mangaTemplate:Shynese d:Q731 GA Good article
26 Fe iron
  isotopes of iron
iron d:Q677 GA Good article
27 Co cobalt
  isotopes of cobalt
cobalt d:Q740 GA Good article
28 Ni nickel
  isotopes of nickel
nickel d:Q744 GA Good article
29 Cu copper
  isotopes of copper
copper d:Q753 GA Good article
30 Zn zinc
  isotopes of zinc
zinc d:Q758 FA Featured article
31 Ga gallium
  isotopes of gallium
gallium d:Q861 GA Good article
32 Ge germanium
  isotopes of germanium
germaTemplate:Shynium d:Q867 FA Featured article
33 As arsenic
  isotopes of arsenic
arsenic d:Q871 B B-Class article
34 Se selenium
  isotopes of selenium
seleTemplate:Shynium d:Q876 GA Good article
35 Br bromine
  isotopes of bromine
bromine d:Q879 GA Good article
36 Kr krypton
  isotopes of krypton
krypTemplate:Shyton d:Q888 GA Good article
37 Rb rubidium
  isotopes of rubidium
rubidTemplate:Shyium d:Q895 GA Good article
38 Sr strontium
  isotopes of strontium
strontTemplate:Shyium d:Q938 GA Good article
39 Y yttrium
  isotopes of yttrium
yttrium d:Q941 FA Featured article
40 Zr zirconium
  isotopes of zirconium
zircoTemplate:Shynium d:Q1038 GA Good article
41 Nb niobium
  isotopes of niobium
nioTemplate:Shybium d:Q1046 FA Featured article
42 Mo molybdenum
  isotopes of molybdenum
molybTemplate:Shydenum d:Q1053 GA Good article
43 Tc technetium
  isotopes of technetium
techTemplate:Shynetium d:Q1054 FA Featured article
44 Ru ruthenium
  isotopes of ruthenium
rutheTemplate:Shynium d:Q1086 GA Good article
45 Rh rhodium
  isotopes of rhodium
rhoTemplate:Shydium d:Q1087 GA Good article
46 Pd palladium
  isotopes of palladium
palladTemplate:Shyium d:Q1089 C C-Class article
47 Ag silver
  isotopes of silver
silver d:Q1090 GA Good article
48 Cd cadmium
  isotopes of cadmium
cadTemplate:Shymium d:Q1091 GA Good article
49 In indium
  isotopes of indium
indium d:Q1094 GA Good article
50 Sn tin
  isotopes of tin
tin d:Q1096 C C-Class article
51 Sb antimony
  isotopes of antimony
antiTemplate:Shymony d:Q1099 GA Good article
52 Te tellurium
  isotopes of tellurium
tellurTemplate:Shyium d:Q1100 GA Good article
53 I iodine
  isotopes of iodine
iodine d:Q1103 GA Good article
54 Xe xenon
  isotopes of xenon
xenon d:Q1106 FA Featured article
55 Cs caesium
  isotopes of caesium
caeTemplate:Shysium d:Q1108 FA Featured article
56 Ba barium
  isotopes of barium
baTemplate:Shyrium d:Q1112 GA Good article
57 La lanthanum
  isotopes of lanthanum
lanTemplate:Shythanum d:Q1801 GA Good article
58 Ce cerium
  isotopes of cerium
cerium d:Q1385 GA Good article
59 Pr praseodymium
  isotopes of praseodymium
praseoTemplate:Shydymium d:Q1386 GA Good article
60 Nd neodymium
  isotopes of neodymium
neoTemplate:Shydymium d:Q1388 C C-Class article
61 Pm promethium
  isotopes of promethium
promeTemplate:Shythium d:Q1809 GA Good article
62 Sm samarium
  isotopes of samarium
samaTemplate:Shyrium d:Q1819 GA Good article
63 Eu europium
  isotopes of europium
europTemplate:Shyium d:Q1396 GA Good article
64 Gd gadolinium
  isotopes of gadolinium
gadolinTemplate:Shyium d:Q1832 C C-Class article
65 Tb terbium
  isotopes of terbium
terTemplate:Shybium d:Q1838 C C-Class article
66 Dy dysprosium
  isotopes of dysprosium
dysproTemplate:Shysium d:Q1843 GA Good article
67 Ho holmium
  isotopes of holmium
holTemplate:Shymium d:Q1846 C C-Class article
68 Er erbium
  isotopes of erbium
erbium d:Q1849 C C-Class article
69 Tm thulium
  isotopes of thulium
thulium d:Q1853 GA Good article
70 Yb ytterbium
  isotopes of ytterbium
ytterTemplate:Shybium d:Q1855 GA Good article
71 Lu lutetium
  isotopes of lutetium
luteTemplate:Shytium d:Q1857 GA Good article
72 Hf hafnium
  isotopes of hafnium
hafTemplate:Shynium d:Q1119 GA Good article
73 Ta tantalum
  isotopes of tantalum
tantaTemplate:Shylum d:Q1123 GA Good article
74 W tungsten
  isotopes of tungsten
tungTemplate:Shysten d:Q743 GA Good article
75 Re rhenium
  isotopes of rhenium
rheTemplate:Shynium d:Q737 GA Good article
76 Os osmium
  isotopes of osmium
osTemplate:Shymium d:Q751 GA Good article
77 Ir iridium
  isotopes of iridium
iridium d:Q877 FA Featured article
78 Pt platinum
  isotopes of platinum
platTemplate:Shyinum d:Q880 GA Good article
79 Au gold
  isotopes of gold
gold d:Q897 B B-Class article
80 Hg mercury
  isotopes of mercury
merTemplate:Shycury d:Q925 GA Good article
81 Tl thallium
  isotopes of thallium
thallium d:Q932 GA Good article
82 Pb lead
  isotopes of lead
lead d:Q708 FA Featured article
83 Bi bismuth
  isotopes of bismuth
bisTemplate:Shymuth d:Q942 GA Good article
84 Po polonium
  isotopes of polonium
poloTemplate:Shynium d:Q979 GA Good article
85 At astatine
  isotopes of astatine
astaTemplate:Shytine d:Q999 FA Featured article
86 Rn radon
  isotopes of radon
radon d:Q1133 GA Good article
87 Fr: Fr Fr: Francium
  Fr: Francium
franTemplate:Shycium d:Q671 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
88 Ra: Ra Ra: Radium
  Ra: Radium
raTemplate:Shydium d:Q1128 B Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
89 Ac: Ac Ac: Actinium
  Ac: Actinium
actinTemplate:Shyium d:Q1121 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
90 Th: Th Th: Thorium
  Th: Thorium
thorTemplate:Shyium d:Q1115 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
91 Pa: Pa Pa: Protactinium
  Pa: Protactinium
protacTemplate:Shytinium d:Q1109 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
92 U: U U: Uranium
  U: Uranium
uraTemplate:Shynium d:Q1098 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
93 Np: Np Np: Neptunium
  Np: Neptunium
neptuTemplate:Shynium d:Q1105 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
94 Pu: Pu Pu: Plutonium
  Pu: Plutonium
plutoTemplate:Shynium d:Q1102 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
95 Am: Am Am: Americium
  Am: Americium
ameriTemplate:Shycium d:Q1872 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
96 Cm: Cm Cm: Curium
  Cm: Curium
curium d:Q1876 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
97 Bk: Bk Bk: Berkelium
  Bk: Berkelium
berkelTemplate:Shyium d:Q1882 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
98 Cf: Cf Cf: Californium
  Cf: Californium
califorTemplate:Shynium d:Q1888 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
99 Es: Es Es: Einsteinium
  Es: Einsteinium
einsteiTemplate:Shynium d:Q1892 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
100 Fm: Fm Fm: Fermium
  Fm: Fermium
ferTemplate:Shymium d:Q1896 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
101 Md: Md Md: Mendelevium
  Md: Mendelevium
mendeTemplate:Shylevium d:Q1898 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
102 No: No No: Nobelium
  No: Nobelium
nobelTemplate:Shyium d:Q1901 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
103 Lr: Lr Lr: Lawrencium
  Lr: Lawrencium
lawrenTemplate:Shycium d:Q1905 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
104 Rf: Rf Rf: Rutherfordium
  Rf: Rutherfordium
rutherTemplate:Shyfordium d:Q1226 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
105 Db: Db Db: Dubnium
  Db: Dubnium
dubTemplate:Shynium d:Q1232 𨧀 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
106 Sg: Sg Sg: Seaborgium
  Sg: Seaborgium
seaTemplate:Shyborgium d:Q1234 𨭎 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
107 Bh: Bh Bh: Bohrium
  Bh: Bohrium
bohrTemplate:Shyium d:Q1249 𨨏 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
108 Hs: Hs Hs: Hassium
  Hs: Hassium
hasTemplate:Shysium d:Q1252 𨭆 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
109 Mt: Mt Mt: Meitnerium
  Mt: Meitnerium
meitTemplate:Shynerium d:Q1258 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
110 Ds: Ds Ds: Darmstadtium
  Ds: Darmstadtium
darmTemplate:Shystadtium d:Q1266 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
111 Rg: Rg Rg: Roentgenium
  Rg: Roentgenium
roentTemplate:Shygenium d:Q1272 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
112 Cn: Cn Cn: Copernicium
  Cn: Copernicium
coperTemplate:Shynicium d:Q1278 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
113 Nh: Nh Nh: Nihonium
  Nh: Nihonium
nihonTemplate:Shyium d:Q1301 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
114 Fl: Fl Fl: Flerovium
  Fl: Flerovium
flerovTemplate:Shyium d:Q1302 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
115 Mc: Mc Mc: Moscovium
  Mc: Moscovium
moscovTemplate:Shyium d:Q1303 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
116 Lv: Lv Lv: Livermorium
  Lv: Livermorium
liverTemplate:Shymorium d:Q1304 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
117 Ts: Ts Ts: Tennessine
  Ts: Tennessine
tennessTemplate:Shyine d:Q1306 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
118 Og: Og Og: Oganesson
  Og: Oganesson
ogaTemplate:Shynesson d:Q1307 FA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
119 Uue: Uue Uue: Ununennium
  Uue: Ununennium
ununTemplate:Shyennium d:Q1139 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
120 Ubn: Ubn Ubn: Unbinilium
  Ubn: Unbinilium
unbiTemplate:Shynilium d:Q1146 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
121 Ubu: Ubu Ubu: Unbiunium
  Ubu: Unbiunium
unbiTemplate:Shyunium d:Q1466 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
122 Ubb: Ubb Ubb: Unbibium
  Ubb: Unbibium
unbiTemplate:Shybium d:Q7425 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
123 Ubt: Ubt Ubt: Unbitrium
  Ubt: Unbitrium
unbiTemplate:Shytrium d:Q428758 Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24". no article
124 Ubq: Ubq Ubq: Unbiquadium
  Ubq: Unbiquadium
unbiTemplate:ShyquadTemplate:Shyium d:Q428741 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
125 Ubp: Ubp Ubp: Unbipentium
  Ubp: Unbipentium
unbiTemplate:ShypentTemplate:Shyium d:Q428685 Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24". no article
126 Ubh: Ubh Ubh: Unbihexium
  Ubh: Unbihexium
unbiTemplate:ShyhexTemplate:Shyium d:Q54377 GA Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".
Xx: err Xx:
d: Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24". symbol Xx test