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This template produces a box with links to a portal or to multiple portals. It is most often used in the "See also" section of an article. If a portal does not exist, then it will not be displayed. This can be overridden with |redlinks=yes.


Basic usage

{{Portal |Portal 1 |Portal 2 |Portal 3 |... }}

All options

 | Portal 1
 | Portal 2
 | Portal 3
 | ...
 | left = 
 | margin = 
 | break = 
 | boxsize = 
 | redlinks = 


Within articles, this template is meant to be placed at the top of the article's See also section. If there is no See also section, you may put it in the External links section instead; there is no need to create a new section just to house this template. If there is no External links section either, just put it below the article text in the place that seems most appropriate.

There are no particular rules about the placement of portals on other kinds of pages.


The portal image names are stored in subpages of Module:Portal/images, organised by the first letter of the portal name. For example, the first letter of Portal:Feminism is "F", so the image name is stored at Module:Portal/images/f. If there is an entry for a portal on the correct page then the corresponding image will be shown next to the portal link. If no image is found then File:Portal-puzzle.svg will be shown instead.

It is also possible to specify aliases for portal images. For example, the code {{Portal|Detroit}} produces the same image as the code {{Portal|Metro Detroit}}. The "Detroit" alias is found on the page Module:Portal/images/aliases.

The image-detection algorithm is case-insensitive. For example, the code {{Portal|Detroit}} will produce the same image as the code {{Portal|detroit}} (although the portal links will be different). Portal names are stored in lower case in the image subpages, and input is converted to lower case before being checked.

To add new images to the list, please make a protected edit request at Template talk:Portal to get an administrator to edit the correct subpage for you. Portal images must be either in the public domain or available under a free license that allows commercial reuse and derivative works; fair-use images are not acceptable. The template {{Portal icon demonstration}} may be of use when deciding whether an image is suitable for use as a portal icon; it formats an image using the same size and style that the {{Portal}} template uses by default.

A list of portals and aliases of portals without icons can be found at User:Dreamy Jazz Bot/Portals needing icons. It is updated infrequently, so ping the bot owner to update the list.

List of image subpages
Page Description
Module:Portal/images/a For portal names starting with "A".
Module:Portal/images/b For portal names starting with "B".
Module:Portal/images/c For portal names starting with "C".
Module:Portal/images/d For portal names starting with "D".
Module:Portal/images/e For portal names starting with "E".
Module:Portal/images/f For portal names starting with "F".
Module:Portal/images/g For portal names starting with "G".
Module:Portal/images/h For portal names starting with "H".
Module:Portal/images/i For portal names starting with "I".
Module:Portal/images/j For portal names starting with "J".
Module:Portal/images/k For portal names starting with "K".
Module:Portal/images/l For portal names starting with "L".
Module:Portal/images/m For portal names starting with "M".
Module:Portal/images/n For portal names starting with "N".
Module:Portal/images/o For portal names starting with "O".
Module:Portal/images/p For portal names starting with "P".
Module:Portal/images/q For portal names starting with "Q".
Module:Portal/images/r For portal names starting with "R".
Module:Portal/images/s For portal names starting with "S".
Module:Portal/images/t For portal names starting with "T".
Module:Portal/images/u For portal names starting with "U".
Module:Portal/images/v For portal names starting with "V".
Module:Portal/images/w For portal names starting with "W".
Module:Portal/images/x For portal names starting with "X".
Module:Portal/images/y For portal names starting with "Y".
Module:Portal/images/z For portal names starting with "Z".
Module:Portal/images/other For portal names starting with any other letters. This includes numbers, letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets.
Module:Portal/images/aliases For adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with.


Code Result


Name Value Description
1, 2, 3 ... The portal name, e.g. Literature The positional parameters specify the portals to be displayed.
left yes If set to yes, the portal appears on the left side of the page instead of the right.
margin CSS margin value, e.g. 1.2em 3em 0.5em 1em This allows you to set a custom margin. All valid CSS margin values are accepted.
break yes If set to yes, a line break is inserted after the portal name and before the word portal.
boxsize Size in pixels, e.g. 300 This sets a custom box width in pixels.
redlinks Any of the following values: yes, y, true, or include Redlinks will be displayed. The default is to suppress redlinks.
nominimum Any of the following values: yes, y, or true Suppresses the warning if no parameters are supplied. This can be useful when Template:Portal is called by another template.
tracking Any of the following values: no, n, false Tracking categories will be suppressed. The default is to use tracking categories, except on certain namespaces and on pagenames which contain "/archive", "/doc" or "/test".

Error tracking

If the template is used incorrectly, the page will be added to a tracking category.

The tracking categories are not applied if any of the following is true:

  1. Tracking is specially disabled for that usage. This is done by setting the optional parameter |tracking= to any the following values: no, n, false
  2. the template is used on a page in any of these namespaces: Talk, User, User talk, Wikipedia talk, File talk, Template talk, Category talk, Portal talk, Draft, Draft talk, Module talk
  3. The title page on which the template is used includes any of the following case-insensitive strings: "/archive", "/doc", "/test"
Purge page to update totals

See also

Portal content templates

Main portal page formatting templates

Templates that configure links

Selected page templates, used on subpages of older portals

Related templates


TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
See the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Portal

A template to create a list of portals

Template parameters

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.

Portal (1)1

Inserts the portal image and text. Further portals can be added to the template by increasing the number

Portal (2)2

Insert the portal image and text

Portal (3)3

Insert the portal image and text


If set to yes, the portal appears on the left side of the page instead of the right.

Margin sizemargin

Alters the margin size. Any valid CSS margin is accepted

Line breakbreak

If set to yes, a line break is inserted after the portal name and before the word portal

Box sizeboxsize

This sets a custom box width in pixels.


no description
