Template:Infobox venue

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Script error: No such module "If empty".
Lua error in Module:Infobox_mapframe at line 185: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

[[Category:Infobox templates|Template:Remove first word]]

Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This templates generates an infobox to summarize information about stadia, arenas, or other sporting venues, as well as theatres and cinemas.


Template:Parameter names example

Full syntax
{{Infobox venue
| name                   = 
| native_name            = 
| native_name_lang       = 
| nickname               = 
| logo_image             = 
| logo_size              = 
| logo_alt               = 
| logo_caption           = 
| image                  = 
| image_size             = 
| image_upright          = 
| image_alt              = 
| caption                = 
| image_map              = 
| map_size               = 
| map_alt                = 
| map_caption            = 
| pushpin_map            = 
| pushpin_mapsize        = 
| pushpin_map_caption    = 
| pushpin_label_position = 
| pushpin_relief         = 
| fullname               = 
| former names           = 
| address                = 
| city                   = 
| country                = 
| location               = 
| coordinates            = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
| elevation              = <!-- {{cvt|...|ft|m}} or {{cvt|...|m|ft}} -->
| publictransit          = 
| parking                = 
| owner                  = 
| operator               = 
| designation            = 
| type                   = 
| genre                  = 
| seating_type           = 
| suites                 = 
| capacity               = 
| record_attendance      = 
| dimensions             = 
| field_shape            = 
| acreage                = 
| surface                = 
| scoreboard             = 
| screens                = 
| currentuse             = 
| production             = 
| broke_ground           = 
| built                  = 
| opened                 = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| renovated              = 
| expanded               = 
| closed                 = 
| demolished             = 
| rebuilt                = 
| yearsactive            = 
| cost                   = 
| architect              = 
| builder                = 
| project_manager        = 
| structural engineer    = 
| services engineer      = 
| general_contractor     = 
| main_contractors       = 
| tenants                = 
| website                = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| embedded               = 


All attributes are optional.

Parameter Explanation
name Name of the sporting venue. Defaults to {{PAGENAME}}
nickname English nickname(s) of the venue
native_name Name of the venue in native language/script (e.g. दशरथ रंगशाला)
native_name_lang If |native_name= is present, ISO 639-1 code of language/script of value (e.g. ne)
fullname Insert the official full name of the venue
former names Insert the venue's former name(s). Use the format:

FormerName (year–year)

logo_image Insert an image link in the form: [[File:MyLogo.jpg|250px|alt=My alt text]]. For more on alt text, please see WP:ALT.
logo_caption Insert a caption for the stadium logo
image Image name without "File:" or other formatting. e.g. MyImage.jpg
image_size Size of the image as a raw number (i.e. without "px"). If not specified, image width defaults to "frameless" (220px).
image_alt alt text for the image.
caption Insert a caption for the stadium image
pushpin_map The name of a location map as per Template:Location map
pushpin_mapsize The width to display the pushpin map, in pixels. Just the number, without "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 250.
pushpin_map_caption Caption to display below the pushpin map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed.
pushpin_label_position The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin mark. Valid values are left, right, top and bottom. This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker and its position relative to the right border of the map image.
location Insert the venue's location. For "United States" and "United Kingdom", it is preferred that they be abbreviated "U.S." and "UK", but political subdivisions should never be (never "MA" for "Massachusetts", "ON" for "Ontario", etc.). See Notes[1] for details.
coordinates Insert the geographical coordinates; use {{Coord}}
elevation Elevation in meters or feet using {{convert}}
type Theatre, Stadium, ...
genre music, concerts, sporting events, theatre, dance
broke_ground Insert the date when ground was broken to build the venue
built Insert a date range of when the venue was under construction
opened Insert the date of when it opened
renovated Insert the date of when it was renovated
expanded Insert the date of when it was expanded
closed Insert the date of when it was closed
demolished Insert the date of when it was demolished
owner Insert the name(s) of the venue's owner(s)
operator Insert the name(s) of the venue's operator(s)
surface Enter the surface of the venue (e.g. grass, sand, artificial turf)
scoreboard Enter the details of any scoreboard at the venue. If specific details are not known, just enter "Yes" if the venue has a scoreboard or "No" if there is none.
screens Enter the number of theatre screens.
currentuse Enter the current use of the venue.
production Enter the theatrical production currently being housed at the venue.
cost Enter the construction cost, preferably in the currency that the venue is located in (see WP:DATE for details) Per its own documentation, the inflation template must not be used.
architect Insert the name(s) of the venue's architect(s)
builder Name(s) of the venue's builder(s)
project_manager Insert the name(s) of the project manager(s) who led the venue's construction
structural engineer Insert the name(s) of the venue's structural engineer(s)
services engineer Insert the name(s) of the venue's services engineer(s)
general_contractor Insert the name(s) of the venue's general contractor(s)
main_contractors Insert the name(s) of the venue's main contractor(s)
seating_type soft seat, reserved seating
capacity Insert the seating capacity of the venue. If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format:

Capacity (Purpose)

suites Insert the number of suites
record_attendance Insert the all-time record attendance of the venue. (include the date and event if you wish) If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format:

Record Attendance (Date & Event)

dimensions Insert the dimensions of the venue:
  • For a football (soccer) pitch size, use the format:

105 × 68 m

  • For baseball dimensions, use the format:

Left field: 300 ft (91 m)
Center field: 400 ft (122 m)
Right field: 300 ft (91 m)

field_shape Oval rectangular or circular
acreage Insert the acreage.
tenants Insert the teams and any other parties who use the venue as their home stadium or arena. Use the format:

TeamName (league/organization) year–year

Alternatively, you can use the {{infobox venue/tenantlist}} sub-template to automatically line rows up.

embedded Embed another infobox with such capability like {{designation list}} and {{infobox NRHP}}. See their respective documentation for more information.
website Insert the website, preferably with {{URL}}
publictransit The nearest public transport stop.
Example: [[Roosevelt/State (CTA)|Roosevelt Station]], [[Chicago Transit Authority]]

Mapframe parameters

  • Basic parameters:
    • mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: no
    • mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if |mapframe-geomask= is set, "Location in geomask's label")
    • mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • mapframe-wikidata – Set to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
  • Other optional parameters:
    • mapframe-frame-width or mapframe-width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • mapframe-frame-height or mapframe-height – Frame height. Default: 200
    • mapframe-shape-fill – Color used to fill shape features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-stroke-color or mapframe-stroke-colour – Color of line features, and outlines of shape features. Default: #ff0000
    • mapframe-stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • mapframe-marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: not specified (i.e. blank)
      • Can also be set to blank to override any default marker symbol
    • mapframe-marker-color or mapframe-marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-color or mapframe-geomask-stroke-colour – Color of outline of geomask shape. Default: #555555
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • mapframe-geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" to "18", to used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates


  1. As per RfC "Naming countries in infoboxes": When identifying a location, city or region in the United States or United Kingdom, the preferred approach is to use the country abbreviations allowed by MOS:ACRO, such as "Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S." and "Cardiff, Wales, UK", rather than spelling out the full country name. Avoid using abbreviations for states or provinces in all nations. New Hampshire rather than NH, New South Wales rather than NSW, or British Columbia rather than BC (see MOS:POSTABBR). Cities such as New York City and London may be rendered as "New York City, U.S." and "London, UK" or simply "New York City" and "London". Also, these should not be linked when the context makes it clear (see MOS:OVERLINK). If only the country name is included, it may be written out in full.




TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
See the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Infobox venue

This templates generates an infobox to summarize information about stadia, arenas, or other sporting venues.

Template parameters


Name of the sporting venue

Stadium namestadium_name

Name of the sporting venue (synonym for {{{name}}})

Centre namecentre_name

Name of the sporting venue (synonym for {{{name}}})


English nickname(s) of the venue

Native namenative_name

Name of venue in native language/script

Native name languagenative_name_lang

If {{{native_name}}} present, ISO 639-1 language code of language/script of its value

Full namefullname

Official full name of the venue

Former name(s)former names

Venue's former name(s) in format "FormerName (year–year)"

Logo image linklogo_image

Image link to the logo

Logo captionlogo_caption

Caption for the stadium logo

Image linkimage

Image link

Image captioncaption

Caption for the image



Geographical coordinates


Ground broke datebroke_ground

Date when ground was broken to build the venue

Build datebuilt

Date range of when the venue was under construction

Date of openingopened

Date of when it opened

Date of renovationrenovated

Date of when it was renovated

Date of expansionexpanded

Date of when it was expanded

Date of closingclosed

Date of when it was closed

Date of demolishingdemolished

Date of when it was demolished


Name(s) of the venue's owner(s)


Name(s) of the venue's operator(s)


Surface of the venue (e.g. grass, sand, artificial turf)


Details of scoreboard at the venue. If not known, just enter "Yes" if the venue has a scoreboard and "No" otherwise.


Construction cost, preferably in the currency that the venue is located


Name(s) of venue's architect(s)

Project manager(s)project_manager

Name(s) of venue's project manager(s)

Structural engineer(s)structural engineer

Name(s) of venue's structural engineer(s)

Services engineer(s)services engineer

Name(s) of venue's services engineer(s)

General contractor(s)general_contractor

Name(s) of venue's general contractor(s)

Main contractor(s)main_contractors

Name(s) of venue's main contractor(s)



Number of suites

Record attendancerecord_attendance

All time record attendance of the venue. If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format: "Record Attendance (Date & Event)"


Dimensions of the venue



The teams and any other parties who use the venue as their home stadium or arena. Use the format: "TeamName (league/organization) year–year"


Embed another infobox


Public transitpublictransit

The nearest public transport stop


Tracking category

See also