Template:Infobox rugby league football match/doc

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Template:Parameter names example


{{Infobox rugby league football match
|year =         <!-- Year (left of title)
|title =        <!-- Name of match 
|yearr =        <!-- Year (right of title). [[WP:Rugby league]] consensus is for the year to be on left 
|image =        <!-- "filename.ext" 
|imagesize =    <!-- The default is "150px" unless a value is entered. 
|alt =          <!-- Text alternative for people who cannot see the image. Describe the image. 
|home  =        <!-- "[[team1]]". Team name only. 
|away =         <!-- "[[team2]]". Team name only.
|home_league =  <!-- "[[league1]]". Used for some inter-comp matches e.g. World Club Challenge matches "[[Super League]]"
|away_league =  <!-- "[[league2]]". Used for some inter-comp matches e.g. World Club Challenge matches "[[National Rugby League]]"
|home_abbr =    <!-- Clubs: "CLB {{leagueicon|clubname|16}}". Abbreviation with size 16 icon. 3 letters is standard.
|away_abbr =    <!-- National teams: "NAT {{flagicon|NAT}}". Abbreviation followed by {{tl|flagicon}}. 3 letters is standard.
|home_half1 =   <!-- Number of points scored by home team in first half.
|home_half2 =   <!-- Number of points scored by home team in second half.
|home_et1 =     <!-- Number of points scored by home team in a single extra time period or first half of extra time.
|home_et2 =     <!-- Number of points scored by home team in second half of extra time.
|home_gp1 =     <!-- Number of points scored by home team in a single period of golden point or first period of golden point.
|home_gp2 =     <!-- Number of points scored by home team in second period of golden point.
|home_total =   <!-- Total number of points scored by home team.
|away_half1 =   <!-- Number of points scored by away team in first half.
|away_half2 =   <!-- Number of points scored by away team in second half.
|away_et1 =     <!-- Number of points scored by away team in a single extra time period or first half of extra time.
|away_et2 =     <!-- Number of points scored by away team in second half of extra time.
|away_gp1 =     <!-- Number of points scored by away team in a single period of golden point or first period of golden point.
|away_gp2 =     <!-- Number of points scored by away team in second period of golden point.
|away_total =   <!-- Total number of points scored by away team.
|date =         <!-- Date the match was played on. Format: "D Month YYYY". E.g. "4 October 2009"
|stadium =      <!-- "[[stadium]]".
|location =     <!-- Location of the stadium e.g. "Sydney, New South Wales, Australia"
|MoM_title =    <!-- Use for custom. E.g."[[Harry Sunderland Trophy winner]]" or "Woman of the match". Default=[[Man of the Match]].
|MoM =          <!-- The man of the match award: "[[Player Name]], Team". Use MoM_title if customised award/title is given/needed.
|anthem_title = <!-- Default is "Anthem". Use this for other e.g. "[[And did those feet in ancient time|Jerusalem]]".
|anthem =       <!-- "[[Performer]]"
|anthem2_title =<!-- Use if second performer was performing a different anthem.
|anthem2 =      <!-- A second performer for the anthem or use with anthem2_title if performing a different anthem.
|anthem3_title =<!-- Use if third performer was performing a different anthem.
|anthem3 =      <!-- A third performer for the anthem or  use with anthem3_title if performing a different anthem.
|referee =      <!-- "[[Referee]]"
|referee2 =     <!-- "[[Other referee]]". Some competitions use two referees during a match, if so use this for second referee.
|attendance =   <!-- Will be formatted so "60000" or "60,000" will appear as "60,000". (Field will not accept references.)
|network =      <!-- Broadcasting partner e.g. "[[Sky Sport]]". Plus network2, 3, 4, 5.
|commentators = <!-- "[[Person One]]".
|commentators2= <!-- "[[Person Two]]".
|commentators3= <!-- "[[Person Three]]". Plus: commentators4, 5.
|tournaments =  <!-- Appears between last and next. The main article for matches or list of winners e.g. "[[Super League Grand Final]]"
|last =         <!-- Link to last occurrence. "[[article|Year]]" E.g. "[[2007 NRL Grand Final|2007]]".
|next =         <!-- Link to next occurrence. "[[article|Year]]" E.g. "[[2009 NRL Grand Final|2009]]".


2009 (2009) Big Match  ()
2009 Big Match logo
12GP1 Total
MEL Melbourne colours.svg 10131 24
PAR Parramatta colours.svg 0160 16
Date4 October 2009
StadiumStadium Australia
LocationSydney, NSW, Australia
Clive Churchill MedalBilly Slater, Melbourne
National anthemMark Vincent
RefereesTony Archer, Shayne Hayne
Broadcast partners
Template:Succession links
{{Infobox rugby league football match
|year         = 2009
|title        = Big Match
|image        = Bad Title Example.png
|imagesize    = 125px
|alt          = 2009 Big Match logo
|home         = [[Melbourne Storm]]
|away         = [[Parramatta Eels]]
|home_abbr    = MEL {{leagueicon|Melbourne|16}}
|away_abbr    = PAR {{leagueicon|Parramatta|16}}
|home_half1   = 10
|home_half2   = 13
|home_gp1     = 1
|home_total   = 24
|away_half1   = 0
|away_half2   = 16
|away_gp1     = 0
|away_total   = 16
|date         = 4 October 2009
|stadium      = [[Stadium Australia]]
|location     = Sydney, NSW, Australia
|MoM_title    = [[Clive Churchill Medal]]
|MoM          = [[Billy Slater]], Melbourne
|anthem_title = [[Advance Australia Fair|National anthem]]
|anthem       = [[Mark Vincent]]
|referee      = [[Tony Archer]]
|referee2     = [[Shayne Hayne]]
|attendance   = 82538
|network      = [[Nine Network]]
|commentators = [[Ray Warren]]
|commentators2= [[Peter Sterling (rugby league commentator)|Peter Sterling]]
|commentators3= [[Phil Gould (rugby league)|Phil Gould]]
|tournaments  = [[NRL Grand Final]]
|last         = [[2008 NRL Grand Final|2008]]
|next         = [[2010 NRL Grand Final|2010]]

Blank version

{{Infobox rugby league football match
| year = 
| title = 
| yearr = 
| image = 
| imagesize = 
| alt = 
| caption = 
| home = 
| away = 
| home_league = 
| away_league = 
| home_total = 
| away_total = 
| home_abbr = 
| away_abbr = 

<!-- For Halfs -->
| home_half1 = 
| away_half1 = 
| home_half2 = 
| away_half2 = 

<!-- For Quarters -->
| home_quarter1 = 
| away_quarter1 = 
| home_quarter2 = 
| away_quarter2 = 
| home_quarter3 = 
| away_quarter3 = 
| home_quarter4 = 
| away_quarter4 = 

| home_et1 = 
| away_et1 = 
| home_et2 = 
| away_et2 = 
| home_gp1 = 
| away_gp1 = 
| home_gp2 = 
| away_gp2 = 
| date = 
| stadium = 
| location = 
| MoM_title = 
| MoM = 
| anthem_title = 
| anthem = 
| anthem2_title = 
| anthem2 = 
| anthem3_title = 
| anthem3 = 
| referee = 
| referee2 = 
| attendance = 
| network = 
| network2 = 
| network3 = 
| network4 = 
| network5 = 
| commentators = 
| commentators2 = 
| commentators3 = 
| commentators4 = 
| commentators5 = 
| tournaments = 
| last = 
| next = 

See also