Template:Infobox road/doc/type

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Use the header_type parameter to override a country's default or type-specific colors.

Header type Description Color of headings
  • under construction
  • const
  • uc
Roads where construction has begun on the highway and no sections have been opened to traffic.
Do not use for roads that are open to traffic in some capacity
Text: Black
Background: #FC6
  • former
  • decommissioned
Decommissioned or former highways Text: Black
Background: #AAA
  • historic
  • historical
  • hist
  • scenic
Roads of a historic nature, such as auto trails or highways posted with brown, historical or scenic signage Text: White
Background: #704214
default value Type is not otherwise specified Text: Black
Background: #CEDFF2;


Country code: AUS

Type Description Colour of headings Locations label
freeway Freeway-standard (controlled access) road Text: Black
Background: #D2E2F9
Major suburbs
city highway Highways within city/suburban areas Text: Black
Background: #E9F9D2
Major suburbs
highway Highways outside of city/suburban areas Text: Black
Background: #E9F9D2
Major settlements
road Major roads within city/suburban areas Text: Black
Background: #FFFFE0
Major suburbs
rural road Major roads outside of city/suburban areas Text: Black
Background: #FFFFE0
Major settlements
street Minor roads and streets, generally within a single suburb Text: Black
Background: #F9E2D2
track Outback tracks. These generally have restrictions (eg fuel) and/or require permits. Text: Black
Background: #F9E2D2
Primary destinations
default values type either omitted or not specified correctly Text: #FFE133;
Background: #3A7119;
Primary destinations


Country code: CAN

  • Use the header_type parameter to override the type-specific colours (see Global section above for others)
Type Description Colour of headings
  • Fwy
  • A
  • Autoroute
Text: White
Background: #003F87
  • Hwy
  • PTH
  • Route
  • Trunk
  • Sec
  • Secondary
  • TCH
  • PTH: Provincial Trunk Highway
  • TCH: Trans Canada Highway
Text: White
Background: #006A4D
Header type Description Colour of headings
freeway Text: White
Background: #003F87


Country code: DEU

Type Description Color of headings
  • A
  • Autobahn
Autobahn Text: White
Background: #039
  • B
  • Bundesstraße
  • Bundesstrasse
Bundesstraße Text: Black
Background: #FC3


Country code: IND

Type Description
NE National Expressway
NH National Highway
SH State Highway


Country code: NPL

Type Description Colour of headings
  • H
National Highway (Highspeed roadway that connects East - West & North - South) Text: White
Background: #006B54
  • F
Feeder Road (Road that connects provinces but mostly two or more districts) Text: #000000
Background: #FFFFFF
  • District Rd
  • D
District Road (Road within a district) Text: White
Background: #1D02E7
  • AH
Asian Highway (Any road that is a part of Asian Highway) Text: White
Background: #039


Country code: PHL

Type Description Color of headings
  • N
  • National Road
  • National Highway
National road (default for all roads in the Philippines) Text: Black
Background: White
  • E
  • Expressway
Expressway (default for all roads in the Philippines) Text: Black
Background: #FEDD00
  • AH
  • Asian Highway
Asian Highway Text: White
Background: #039

Great Britain

Country code: GBR

Type Description Colour
M/Motorway Motorway Text: White
Background: #0079C1
AM (A Motorway) A Motorway Text: White
Background: #0079C1
A/A road Primary route A roads Text: Yellow
Background: #00703C
minor Minor A roads, and B roads Text: Black
Background: White
Roman Roman roads. Must be used with header_type = historic
Adds Roman roads in Britannia under the heading   Road network   at the bottom of the infobox.
(Note that the parameter margary may be used to indicate the road's Margary number (if applicable).)
Text: White
Background: #5a3111

Others (to be organized)


Country code: HRV


Country code: IRL


Country code: ITA


Country code: EUR


Country code: THA

R - National highway
M - Motorway (free)
T - Motorway (tolled)
AH - Asian highway

Country code: UKR

M - International Highway
H - National Highway
P - Regional Highway
T - Territorial Road
United States

Country code: USA