Template:Infobox pipeline

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Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox pipeline
| name                       = 
| type                       = 
| photo                      = 
| caption                    = 
| map                        = 
| country                    = 
| state                      = 
| province                   = 
| coordinates                = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark_region:XX|display=inline,title}} -->
| direction                  = 
| start                      = 
| through                    = 
| finish                     = 
| par                        = 
| status                     = 
| owner                      = 
| partners                   = 
| operator                   = 
| technical_service_provider = 
| pipe_manufacturer          =
| pipe_installer             =
| pipe_layer                 =
| contractors                = 
| construction               = 
| expected                   = 
| est                        = 
| decom                      = 
| length_km                  = 
| length_mi                  = 
| discharge                  =
| discharge_bbl_d            = 
| diameter_mm                = 
| diameter_in                = 
| compressor_stations_no     = 
| compressor_stations        = 
| pumping_stations_no        = 
| pumping_stations           = 


All fields used by this template are optional. The following fields are available:

Field Name Description Values
name name of pipeline (if none is provided, article name will be used) plain text
type type of pipeline "oil", "oil products", "water", "natural gas", "ethanol", "hydrogen" or "other"
photo generic image of the pipeline filename of a photo (Image: marker is not needed)
caption caption for the pipeline image wikitext (can contain links)
map map image displaying the highway filename of a map (Image: marker is not needed)
country declare the country(ies) where the pipeline is located. Do not use flag icons, as this places an unnecessary emphasis on nationality; see MOS:FLAG for a detailed rationale. wikitext
state declare the state(s) where the pipeline is located wikitext
province declare the province(s) where the pipeline is located wikitext
coordinates the coordinates of the start or end Latitude and longitude; use {{coord}}
with display=inline,title
direction general direction of the pipeline text (e.g. North-South)
start starting point wikitext
through list of major suburbs/towns it traverses wikitext
finish finishing point wikitext
par parallel rivers, roads, ranges, other pipelines etc. wikitext
owner companies owning the pipeline wikitext
partners projects partners, companies owning the pipeline's owning company (if established as a special project vehicle) wikitext
operator company operating the pipeline wikitext
technical service_provider company providing technical services for operating the pipeline (if different from the operator) wikitext
pipe_manufacturer company/ies who manufactured pipes for the pipeline wikitext
pipe_installer company/ies who laid pipes wikitext
pipe_layer pipes laying vessel (for offshore pipelines only) wikitext
constructors company or companies who built the pipeline wikitext
construction date or year construction started year or year
expected date or year of expected commissioning for planned or under construction pipelines date or year
est date or year the pipeline commissioned or inaugurated date or year
decom date or year the pipeline decommissioned date or year
length_km** If metric system is desired, length of the pipeline in kilometres number in kilometres (will be automatically converted)
length_mi** If English system is desired, length of the pipeline in miles number in miles (will be automatically converted)
discharge maximum discharge of the pipeline wikitext
discharge_bbl/d*** maximum discharge of the oil pipeline if barrels per day desired number in million oil barrels per day (will be automatically converted to tonnes per year at the API gravity 33.4. If the pipeline is used for oil with different API gravity factor, please use "discharge" instead of "discharge_bbl/d" )
diameter_mm**** If metric system is desired, diameter of the pipeline in millimetres number in millimetres (will be automatically converted)
diameter_in**** If English system is desired, diameter of the pipeline in inches number in inches (will be automatically converted)
compressor_stations_no number of compressor stations number
compressor_stations names of compressor stations wikitext
pumping_stations_no number of pumping stations number
pumping_stations names of pumping stations wikitext

**Most pipelines will use "length_km" since they are not in the US or UK. If the pipeline is in the US or UK, and you would like miles to display before kilometres, use "length_mi". Don't use both parameters together.
***Don't use together with "discharge".
***Most pipelines will use "diameter_mm" since they are not in the US or UK. If the pipeline is in the US or UK, and you would like inches to display before millimeters, use "diameter_in". Don't use both parameters together.

Tracking category

See also