Template:Infobox photographic film/doc

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This an infobox for photographic films. See the talk page for some examples which show the full usage of this infobox in a few combinations.


Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox photographic film
|name        = (REQUIRED) Film name
|code        = Emulsion code
|image       = An image to show in the infobox
|caption     = A caption for the image
|maker       = Who makes the film (link)
|speed       = Speed or speeds of the film (full ISO please e.g 100/21°)
|push        = Whether the film can be push processed, and by how much
|type        = 'p' for print (negative), 's' for slide (reversal), 'i' for instant (polaroid)
|bw          = Black-and-white or color? (simply setting it means B&W, else color)
|balance     = 'd' for daylight, 't' for tungsten
|process     = The process used to develop this film
|format      = Format or formats (size) of the film
|grain       = How grainy?
|latitude    = Exposure latitude
|saturation  = Colour saturation
|app         = Suggested application (e.g portrait, landscape, snapshot, etc)
|start       = Year the film was introduced
|stop        = Year the film was discontinued
|replace     = The film that superseded or replaced this film

All fields except 'name' are optional.