Template:Infobox monument/doc

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Copy and paste the template below:

Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox monument
| name          = 
| native_name   = 
| image         = 
| image_size    = 
| caption       = 
| location      = 
| mapframe      = 
| designer      = 
| type          = 
| material      = 
| length        = 
| width         = 
| height        = 
| weight        = 
| visitors_num  = 
| visitors_year = 
| begin         = 
| complete      = 
| dedicated     = 
| open          = 
| restore       = 
| dismantled    = 
| dedicated_to  = 
| map_name      = 
| map_text      = 
| map_width     = 
| map_relief    = 
| coordinates   = 
| website       = 
| extra_label   = 
| extra         = 

Parameter descriptions

  • monument_name= Name of monument
  • native_name= Native name of monument
  • image= Filename of monument's image
  • caption= Text for caption beneath image
  • coordinates= Latitude and longitude. Use the {{coord}} template.
i.e. {{coord|50|01|01|N|90|01|01|W|region:US_type:landmark|display=inline,title}}
  • location= Area where located (San Francisco, Indiana-Kentucky State Line)
  • designer = Monument designer (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)
  • type= Type of monument (obelisk, megalithic, tomb, mausoleum, tumulus, victory column, triumphal arch)
  • material = Construction material (concrete, steel, iron, stone, brick, wood)
  • length= Length of monument, w/ conversions
  • width= Width of monument, w/ conversions
  • height= Height of monument, w/ conversions
  • weight= Weight of monument, w/ conversions
  • visitors_num=Most recent number of visitors to the monument in a given year. If a specific year is not known, average annual number of visitors can be used
  • visitors_year=If a specific year was used for visitors_num, the year goes here
  • begin= Beginning date of construction
  • complete= Completion date
  • open= Opening date
  • restore= Restoration date
  • dedicated_to = Dedicated to
  • map_name= Name of monument's location map
  • map_text= Caption of monument's map image
  • map_width= Map width in a standard value (pixels, for example) without the "px" suffix
  • map_relief= Displays a physical location map (if available), instead of the default blank administrative location map
  • website = website
  • extra = Spare field for additional information
  • extra_label = Label/description for value in |extra=

Mapframe maps

  • Basic parameters:
    • mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: no
    • mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if |mapframe-geomask= is set, "Location in geomask's label")
    • mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • mapframe-wikidata – Set to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
  • Other optional parameters:
    • mapframe-frame-width or mapframe-width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • mapframe-frame-height or mapframe-height – Frame height. Default: 200
    • mapframe-shape-fill – Color used to fill shape features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-stroke-color or mapframe-stroke-colour – Color of line features, and outlines of shape features. Default: #ff0000
    • mapframe-stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • mapframe-marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: monument
      • Can also be set to blank to override any default marker symbol
    • mapframe-marker-color or mapframe-marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-color or mapframe-geomask-stroke-colour – Color of outline of geomask shape. Default: #555555
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • mapframe-geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" to "18", to used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates



Tracking category

See also