Template:Infobox mapframe/testcases

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Shape feature

Template:Test case table

Template:Test case table

Template:Test case table

Template:Test case table

Line feature

With OSM relation id on Wikidata

  • Marker not specified

Template:Test case table

  • Marker is specified

Template:Test case table

  • Explicit |marker=none

Template:Test case table

Without OSM relation id on Wikidata

Template:Test case table

Coordinates set to 'no value' on Wikidata

Template:Test case table

Locally specified coords instead of Wikidata

No Wikidata item

{{Infobox mapframe|coord={{Coord|-31.876|115.897}}}}

Template:Test case table

wikidata=yes with no Wikidata item

{{Infobox mapframe|coord={{Coord|-31.876|115.897}}|wikidata=yes}}

Template:Test case table

Overriding Wikidata item

{{Infobox mapframe|coord={{Coord|-31.876|115.897}}|id=Q1939502|marker=triangle}}

Template:Test case table

Show OSM relations but use locally specified coords

{{Infobox mapframe|wikidata=yes|id=Q1939502|coord={{Coord|-31.876|115.897}}|marker=triangle}}

Template:Test case table

point=none (should show line/shape features)

{{Infobox mapframe|id=Q1939502|coord={{Coord|-31.876|115.897}}|point=none}}

Template:Test case table

coord parameter present but empty

Template:Test case table

No coords locally and none on Wikidata

Template:Test case table


Find mask by relation

Template:Test case table

{{Infobox mapframe|id=Q1297|geomask=P17|frame-coord={{Coord|39.8|N|98.3|W}}|zoom=2}}

Template:Test case table

Mask Item specified

Template:Test case table

Custom zoom and frame-coord with a mask

{{Infobox mapframe|id=Q1297|geomask=Q1204|zoom=6|frame-coord={{Coord|42|-88}}}}

Template:Test case table

Edersee Dam

Template:Test case table

Q1950380, P131

Template:Test case table

Q1950380, P17

Template:Test case table

More tests

Basic usage

Point feature (Wikidata coordinates):

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q7270550}}

Template:Testcase table Line feature:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q1318331}}

Template:Testcase table Shape feature:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61}}

Template:Testcase table

Using specified coordinates instead of Wikidata

Point feature (with coordinates specified, no shape/line feature from Wikidata item):

{{infobox mapframe |id=Q45935 |coord={{coord|31|56|S|115|58|E}} }}

Template:Testcase table Point feature (with coordinates specified, along with shape/line feature from Wikidata item):

{{infobox mapframe |id=Q45935 |wikidata=yes |coord={{coord|31|56|S|115|58|E}} }}

Template:Testcase table

Inverse shape

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61 |shape=inverse}}

Template:Testcase table

Shape off

{{infobox mapframe |id=Q45935 |wikidata=yes |shape=none |coord={{coord|31|56|S|115|58|E}} }}

Template:Testcase table

Point off

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q7270550 |point=none}}

Template:Testcase table

Point on

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61 |point=on}}

Template:Testcase table

Line off

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q1939502 |line=none |point=on}}

Template:Testcase table


{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61 |shape-fill-opacity=0.2}}

Template:Testcase table

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61 |shape=inverse |shape-fill-opacity=0.2}}

Template:Testcase table

{{Infobox mapframe|geomask=P17|id=Q3239281 |geomask-fill-opacity=0.8}}

Template:Testcase table

Switcher tests


{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q4948020 |switcher=zooms}}

Template:Testcase table


{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q2224 |switcher=auto}}

Template:Testcase table


{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q4948020 |switcher=geomasks|geomask=Q30,Q100}}

Template:Testcase table