Template:Infobox lighthouse

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Script error: No such module "Wikidata".
Lua error in Module:Infobox_mapframe at line 185: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
LocationTemplate:Wikidata location

[[Category:Infobox templates|Template:Remove first word]]

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Template:Uses Wikidata

{{Infobox lighthouse}} may be used to summarise information about a lighthouse.


Empty fields and missing lines are not displayed

Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox lighthouse
| name            = 
| image_name      = 
| image_width     = 
| caption         = 
| location        = 
| pushpin_map     = 
| pushpin_relief  = 
| pushpin_mapsize = 
| pushpin_map_alt = 
| pushpin_map_caption = 
| pushpin         = 
| pushpin_label_position = 
| coordinates     = <!-- {{Coord}} -->
| yearbuilt       = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY}} -->
| yearlit         = 
| automated       = 
| yeardeactivated = 
| foundation      = 
| construction    = 
| shape           = 
| marking         = 
| height          = 
| focalheight     = 
| lens            = 
| currentlens     = 
| lightsource     = 
| intensity       = 
| range           = 
| characteristic  = 
| fogsignal       = 
| racon           = 
| admiralty       = 
| canada          = 
| NGA             = 
| ARLHS           = 
| USCG            = 
| country         = 
| countrynumber   = 
| countrylink     = 
| managingagent   = 
| heritage        = 
| module          = 


For coordinates, use |coordinates= with {{Coord}}. See the Coord template's documentation for details on usage. For example, |coordinates={{coord|1|2|N|3|4|E|type:landmark|display=inline,title}}


Mapframe map

A Mapframe map is automatically included if:

  • There are coordinates specified on the page's Wikidata item
  • It has not be turned off by setting |mapframe=no

The following optional parameters can then be used to adjust the map

  • |mapframe-zoom= zoom level (default is 10)
  • |mapframe-width= and |mapframe-height= for the map size (defaults are 270 and 200)
  • |mapframe-marker= for the marker icon (default is no marker icon)
  • either |mapframe-marker-color= or |mapframe-marker-colour= for the marker colour (hex triplet, default is #5E74F3)
  • |mapframe-caption= caption below the map
  • |mapframe-lat= and |mapframe-long= (or |mapframe-latitude= and |mapframe-longitude=) – alternate initial latitude and longitude for the map, instead of the lighthouse coordinates. Specify as a decimal number.

Pushpin map

To add a {{Location map}}, specify the map using |pushpin_map=.

Parameter Usage Example(s)
pushpin_map The name of the map to be displayed. |pushpin_map=France
|pushpin_map=[Module:Location map/data/USA Florida
pushpin_relief Any non-blank value will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available. For additional information, see Template:Location map#Relief parameter. |pushpin_relief=yes
pushpin_mapsize Width to display the map image in pixels. The default is 240. |pushpin_mapsize=200
(not |pushpin_mapsize=200px)
pushpin_map_alt Alternative text for the map image, see WP:ALT.
pushpin_map_caption Text displayed below the map image
pushpin Specify one of three pre-defined marker images to be displayed on the location map. |pushpin=red for Red pog.svg (default)
|pushpin=green for Green pog.svg
|pushpin=lighthouse for Lighthouse icon centered.svg
pushpin_label_position To add a label next to the pushpin, use a value of top, bottom,left, or right. The default value is none. |pushpin_label_position=top

Other parameter usage

Parameters left blank will not be shown. All of the parameters are text fields so you can, for example

  • list in a span of years: |yeardeactivated=1952–1980
  • provide explanation: |yearlit=1880 (current tower)
  • give more than one answer: |fogsignal=Bell (1880)<br />Horn 1 every 20s (1915)
Parameter Usage Example(s)
yearbuilt usually the year the light first built (construction completed)
yearlit usually the year the present, or last structure was lit
automated the year it was automated
yeardeactivated If the light is no longer in service, list the year it was last working.
List a span of years using an en-dash.
taken offline in 1952, and later dismantled in 1960:
Decommissioned in 1952, re-established in 1980:

foundation the material of the foundation
construction the material of the structure
shape the shape of the structure (Cylindrical, conical, pyramidal, etc.)
marking color or other distinctive marks
height the total height of the structure above its foundation Old Point Loma lighthouse: tower height: 46 ft
lightsource the source of illumination
focalheight the height of the actual light source above mean sea level. When a navigator's light list simply shows a value for 'height', that should be entered here. Focal height is important for navigation, to help mariners estimate their actual distance from the light under different visibility conditions. Old Point Loma lighthouse: height of focal plane: 462 ft.

(this is the tower height, plus the elevation of the foundation above mean sea level, less the distance between the bulb and the top of the lantern)

lens the type of lens originally used in the light, usually a Fresnel lens.
currentlens the lens now in use. In the USA most of the Fresnel lenses have been replaced by modern optics such as the VRB-25.
intensity Candlepower.
range the distance at which the light can be seen. If the light has colors, there will be several ranges, one for each color. It's usually given in nautical miles (USCG, NGA, and Admiralty light lists, at least). Baltimore Harbor Light: white=7 miles, red=5 miles:
|range=W {{convert|7|mi|km|1}}, R {{convert|5|mi|km|0}}
characteristic the pattern of flashes, given in the light list. Please use shorthand – see Light characteristic for examples and explanation. White, flashing every 7.5 seconds:
|characteristic=Fl W 7.5s
Green, occulting every 4 seconds:
|characteristic=Oc G 4s
fogsignal the type and frequency of any fog signal (Bell, horn, etc.), also given in the light list. Horn, one 2-second blast every 15 seconds:
|fogsignal=HORN: 1 blast ev 15s (2s bl)
racon the letter shown if there is a Racon. Not too many lights have one, but if it does, it will be listed in the Light List. Chesapeake Light:
|racon=N (– •)
admiralty the number in the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office's Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL) (worldwide).
canada the number in the Canadian Light List (Canadian). 4 Volumes, available for download.
NGA the number in the List of Lights maintained by the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency(Note: only shows lights outside of the USA plus eastern Florida). Download the List of Lights
ARLHS the number in the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society list, available on their Directory Lookup website. Baltimore Harbor Light:
USCG the number as shown in the Light List as published by the US Coast Guard (for lighthouses in the USA). The lists are available for download in 7 volumes, each covering a different region. Both the volume number and lighthouse number should be captured here, formatted as ‘V-NNNN’.

The list can easily be cited using: {{cite uscgll}}

Baltimore Harbor Light is listed as #8035 in Volume 2, page 76:
|USGC=2-8035<ref>{{cite uscgll|2|2012|76}}</ref>
country if a country has its own numbering system (such as the Netherlands), the country name
countrynumber number according to the country's numbering system. This is mandatory if country was specified.
countrylink a (non mandatory) link to the country's list of lighthouses or the website hosting that list
managingagent the authority responsible for operating the light
heritage a description of the building's heritage status
fetchwikidata use and leave blank to turn off Wikidata values[further explanation needed]

Embedding other templates

The |module= parameter can be used for embedding other templates into this infobox (see Wikipedia:Infobox modules):

{{Infobox lighthouse
| name = 
| module =
  {{Infobox example
  | embed = yes <!-- or 'child=yes' or 'subbox=yes' -->



Tracking category

See also

