Template:Infobox heritage railway/doc

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This infobox template is for use on heritage railway articles; please supply references to information, where appropriate.


This shows all available parameters of this infobox template. You can copy this whole form to your article and fill in the entries you need.

{{Infobox heritage railway
 | name               = 
 | other_name         = 
 | logo               = 
 | logo_width         = 
 | logo_alt           = 
 | image              = 
 | image_width        = 
 | image_alt          =
 | caption            = 
 | color              = 
 | locale             = 
 | terminus           = 
 | coordinates        = {{coord}}
 | map                = 
 | map_caption        = 
 | map_alt            = 
 | mapsize            = 
 | connections        = 
 | linename           = 
 | builtby            = 
 | originalopen       = 
 | originalgauge      = 
 | originalrack       = 
 | originalelec       = 
 | owned              = 
 | operator           = 
 | marks              = 
 | stations           = 
 | length             = 
 | preservedgauge     = 
 | preservedrack      = 
 | preservedelec      = 
 | era                = 
 | com-years          = 
 | com-events         = 
 | com-years1         = 
 | com-events1        = 
 | ...
 | com-years9         = 
 | com-events9        = 
 | closedpassengers   = 
 | closed             = 
 | stageyears         = 
 | stage              = 
 | years              = 
 | events             = 
 | years1             = 
 | events1            = 
 | ...
 | years12            = 
 | events12           = 
 | headquarters       = 
 | website            = 
 | routemap           = 
 | routemap_name      = 
 | routemap_state     = 
 | embedded           = 



name name of the heritage railway
other_name alternative name for railway
logo file name of the logo image, doesn't require the File: prefix
logo_width width of the logo image. 200px by default
logo_alt alt attribute of the logo, as per WP:ALT
image another image, usually a photo of the facility or the train, parameter functions more similar to the logo parameter so you don't need to enter the full syntax for the image. Alternatively this parameter actually gives you freedom to put anything other than image inside, but be sensible.
image_width width of the image of image parameter. 300px by default.
image_alt alt attribute of the image of image parameter
caption caption text below the image rendering
locale locale of railway; county or local authority, etc.
terminus main terminus of the railway
coordinates coordinates of principal station (where relevant) – use {{coord}} with region; region codes should comply with ISO 3166-2, e.g. region:GB.
map file name of the map image, doesn't require the File: prefix
map_caption caption for map above
map_alt alternative text for map for screen readers
mapsize width of map image. 300px by default.
connections list connections to other railway networks (Network Rail etc.)

Commercial operations

linename name of the railway in its pre-preservation state
builtby name of railway's constructor; most likely a railway company
originalopen original opening
originalgauge details of pre-preservation track gauge
originalrack details of pre-preservation rack system (if applicable)
originalelec details of pre-preservation electrification

Preserved operations

owned owner/maintainer of heritage railway's infrastructure etc.
operator current operator of heritage railway
marks reporting mark of the heritage railway
stations number of stations on heritage railway
length length of heritage railway in its current state
preservedgauge details of current track gauge
preservedrack details of current rack system (if applicable)
preservedelec details of current electrification
era [personally unsure of how to use this parameter]

Commercial history

com-years year of event of significant importance
com-events event of significant importance
com-years# [as above]
com-events# [as above]
* With "#" available from 1 to 12
closedpassengers year of end of passenger services
closed year of closure to all traffic

Preservation history

stageyears [retained for historical reasons, now superseded by years] Not quite true
stage [retained for historical reasons, now superseded by events] Not quite true
years year of event of importance to preservation
events event of importance to preservation
years# [as above]
events# [as above]
* With "#" available from 1 to 12
website Official website only. Either enter the full URL, as in |website=http://www.example.com/ or use the {{URL}} template as in |website={{URL|www.example.com}}
headquarters [headquarters]
embedded Pass other infoboxes to embed in this one

Transcluding route map

routemap the buttom space for a route diagram. If your route map is built up by the templates of project:route diagram template, the whole map is best to be written in a separate templatebasing on {{BS-map}} with inline=1 parameter. This will prevent the map from breaking up in IE7 or older browsers. See West Coast Wilderness Railway for example.
routemap_name header title of the routemap section, Route map by default
routemap_state collapse state of the route map section. "Show" by default. Input collapsed to "hide" the map in the article by default.



Tracking category