Template:Infobox dam/Stausee

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This infobox automatically translates and displays dam and reservoir information transferred from German Wikipedia as part of de:Vorlage:Infobox Stausee and, in doing so, greatly simplifies and speeds up the transfer of knowledge and translation of articles between the two Wikipedias.

The alternative is to laboriously copy the source text from either one or both of two separate en.wiki infoboxes (one for dams and one for lakes/reservoirs), then transfer the data from the de.wiki infobox, line-by-line, into the en.wiki ones. As well as being time-consuming, the end result is messy and incomplete because there is no one-to-one mapping of fields in many cases and no equivalent field at all for others.


The infobox does not distinguish between type and purpose and may be used for all dams dammed lakes and reservoirs. In doing so, not all fields will always be relevant and may be simply left blank.

Please note that the infobox becomes more and more unwieldy, the longer the table is, so try to differentiate between important and unimportant information! Consider what the uninformed ready can glean from facts and figures alone and what needs to be explained in detail in the text!

It is not the intent that the dimensions given for a dam can be used to produce a technical drawing but that they can give an impression of its size. Choose a reference dimension and then describe the design or construction principles of the dam in the text. The data for volume and surface area of the reservoir are exclusively based on the Stauziel (Vollstau) or maximum capacity. Explain the dam regime in the text. The construction time is exactly that. Give timescales for planning or refurbishment periods in the text.

The infobox is not suitable for describing hydropower stations.

Note: use the {{Convert}} template in the respective fields for converting meters to feet, m3 to acre feet, etc. Otherwise, just add the abbreviated metric unit (m3, Mm3) in the infobox field.

General source text

Most German dam and reservoir articles will already have the source text below at the start of the article. Please note that the BREITENGRAD and LÄNGENGRAD fields used for display coordinates in German Wikipedia will not display as they have been removed from the template. This is because the de.wiki 'Coord' template is not compatible with the en.wiki version. The method for displaying coordinates is covered below.

{{Infobox stausee
|NAME = 
|BILD = 
<!-- Geographie -->
<!-- Daten Bauwerk -->
|TYP = 
<!-- Daten Stausee -->

Source text for dams in sparsely populated areas

Some articles may have the following cut-down source text.

{{Infobox stausee
|NAME = 
|BILD = 
<!-- Geographie -->
<!-- Daten Bauwerk -->
|TYP = 
<!-- Daten Stausee -->

Explanation of the parameters

Important: Empty fields will be omitted from the infobox, i. e. leave out missing or irrelevant data and the field will not be displayed. The units under Type do not have to be entered, but it will not harm if they are.

Variable Displays as Type Explanation
NAME Name of the dam or reservoir. If the article name is to be used automatically, the line |Name= must be removed.
NEBENBOX (any value) By setting this parameter the presence of article sections, such as coordinates elsewhere in the article outside the box, can be suppressed for the whole box. This is needed if more than one box is used in an article. All boxes bar one must be marked with NEBENBOX.
BILD A photograph of the reservoir or a location map, without entering Bild: in front and without any formatting
BILD-BREITE The width of the image (BILD); the default is 290px
BILDBESCHREIBUNG The caption for the main image (BILD)
GEO-LAGE Coordinates: deprecated: Geographical coordinates of the reservoir.
BREITENGRAD, LÄNGENGRAD and REGION-ISO not used In de.wiki used for geographical coordinates of the reservoir. Not used in en.wiki.
COORD Coordinates The coordinates of the dam or reservoir. This parameter is not in the de.wiki template and must be added for the coordinates to be displayed. Data must be entered in the normal en.wiki format e.g. {{coord|50|32|28|N|11|6|19|E|type:waterbody_region:DE|display=inline,title}}
HÖHE-BEZUG For a description see Template:Höhe; it may be used for KRONENHOEHE and STAUZIEL
LAGE Location Description of the location of the reservoir (e.g. a state or region)
ZUFLUSS Headwaters The streams and rivers flowing into the reservoir
ABFLUSS Tailwaters The streams and rivers flowing out of the reservoir
UFERSTADT Main lakeside towns The larger towns on the shores of the reservoir
NAHESTADT Main nearby towns The larger towns near the reservoir (only entered, if there are no towns on the shore)
UFERORT Main lakeside villages alternative to UFERSTADT The larger villages on the shores of the reservoir (only used if there are no towns on or near the reservoir)
NAHERORT Main villages nearby alternative to NAHESTADT The larger villages near the reservoir (only entered, if there are no towns on the shore)
Dam data
TYP Dam type Type of dam: gravity dam, arch dam, earth-fill dam
BAUZEIT Built Years from-to Construction period
BAUHOEHE Height m (metres) Height of the dam, where no other reference information is available
TALHOEHE Height above valley floor m (metres) Height of the dam from above valley floor to the top of the dam
GRUENDUNGSHOEHE Structural height m (metres) Height of the dam from the lowest point in the excavated foundation and the top of the dam
WASSERHOEHE Hydraulic height m (metres) Height to which the water rises behind the dam. Difference between the lowest point in the original streambed at the axis or centreline crest of the dam and the maximum controllable water surface.
KRONENHOEHE Height above sea level m (metres) Height of the dam crest above sea level
MAUERVOL Dam volume m³ (cubic metres) Volume of the actual dam
KRONENLAENGE Length m (metres) Length of the dam crest
KRONENBREITE Crest width m (metres) Width of the dam crest
BASISBREITE Base width m (metres) Maximum thickness of the dam measured horizontally between upstream and downstream faces and normal to the axis or centerline crest of the dam, but excluding projections.
RADIUS Curve radius m (metres) The radius of curvature of an arch dam
NEIGUNG-LUFT Downstream face slope 1:... Slope of the downstream face of the dam
NEIGUNG-WASSER Upstream face slope 1:... Slope of the upstream face of the dam
LEISTUNG Power generation capacity MW (megawatts) The power generation capacity of the associated hydropower station
BETREIBER Operator Firm or organisation operating the facility
Reservoir data
STAUZIEL Normal water surface m (metres) Height of the reservoir surface above sea level at the top of active conservation capacity (Stauziel). The maximum elevation to which the reservoir may rise under normal operating conditions exclusive of flood control storage.
FLÄCHE Maximum water area ha (hectares), km² (square kilometres) Area of the reservoir surface at maximum water surface (Vollstau)
SEELAENGE Reservoir length km (kilometres) Length of the reservoir
SEEBREITE Reservoir width km (kilometres) Width of the reservoir
SPEICHERRAUM Active capacity m³ (cubic metres) The reservoir capacity normally usable for storage and regulation of reservoir inflows to meet established reservoir operating requirements. It is also the total capacity less the sum of the inactive and dead capacities.
STAURAUM Total capacity m³ (cubic metres) The total quantity of water which can be impounded.
EINZUG Catchment area km² (square kilometres) The total area from which the reservoir collects surface runoff. (Called "watershed" in the US).
HOCHWASSER Design flood m³/s (cubic metres per second) The Inflow Design Flood (IDF) i.e. the flood used to design and/or modify a specific dam and its appurtenant works; particularly for sizing the spillway and outlet works, and for determining surcharge storage requirements.
BESONDERHEITEN Features Any special features of the reservoir
ANMERKUNGEN Remarks A line for any remarks
BILD1 to BILD5 To enable any optional images to be added at the bottom of the infobox
BILD1-BREITE to BILD5-BREITE Fields for entering the width of the images BILD1 to BILD5, default is 290px


In this example all the parameters are completed in order to be able to show the functionality of the infobox.

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]
Test Reservoir
Lake Burley Griffin map-01MJC.png
Map of Lake Burley Griffin
LocationCanberra, Australia
Construction began1960–1964
Dam and spillways
ImpoundsMolonglo River
Height (foundation)? m
Height (thalweg)? m
Length319 m
Elevation at crest560 m
Width (crest)? m
Width (base)19.7 m
Dam volume55,000 m³
Total capacity? Mm³
Active capacity33 Mm³
Catchment area? km³
Surface area6.64 km²
Maximum length11.2 km
Maximum width1.2 km
Normal elevation556 m
Power Station
Installed capacity0 MW
{{Infobox stausee
|NAME = Test Reservoir
|BILD = Lake Burley Griffin map-01MJC.png
|BILDBESCHREIBUNG = Map of Lake Burley Griffin
<!-- Geografie -->
|BREITENGRAD = 35/17/33/S
|LÄNGENGRAD = 149/7/45/E
|LAGE = [[Canberra]], [[Australia]]
|ZUFLUSS = [[Molonglo River]]
|ABFLUSS = [[Molonglo River]]
|UFERSTADT = [[Canberra]]
<!-- Daten Bauwerk -->
|BAUZEIT = 1960–1964
|BAUHOEHE = 33 m
|MAUERVOL = 55,000 m³
|RADIUS = ? m
<!-- Daten Stausee -->
|STAUZIEL = 556 m
|FLÄCHE = 6.64 km²
|SEELAENGE = 11.2 km
|SEEBREITE = 1.2 km
|EINZUG = ? km³
|HOCHWASSER = ? m³/s
|BILD1 = Scrivener Dam Canberra-01JAC.jpg