Template:Infobox bus line/doc

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Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox bus line
| logo            = <!-- bus logo (ex: Image_name.png) -->
| logo_width      = <!-- width of bus logo -->
| logo_alt        = <!-- logo image alternate text (only works if logo_width is supplied) -->
| number          = <!-- bus number or name of route (defaults to article name) -->
| bgcolor         = <!-- background color for infobox title (hex codes need a '#', i.e. #00ff33 not 00ff33) -->
| titlecolor      = <!-- color of the title text (hex codes need a '#') -->
| box_width       = <!-- width of the infobox itself -->
| subheader       = <!-- motto or alternate route title, etc. -->
| operatorlogo    = <!-- operator logo (ex: Image_name.png) -->
| oplogo_width    = <!-- width of the operator logo image -->
| image           = <!-- photo of the bus (ex: Image_name.png) -->
| image_width     = <!-- width of the main image -->
| image_alt       = <!-- alternate text for main image -->
| caption         = <!-- caption for the main image -->
| system          = 
| operator        = 
| garage          = 
| vehicle         = 
| livery          = 
| pvr             = 
| status          = 
| open            = <!-- {{Start date| YYYY| MM| DD| df=y}} -->
| close           = <!-- {{End date| YYYY| MM| DD| df=y}} -->
| predecessors    = 
| former_operator = 
| night           =
| routetype       = <!-- or |  routes = -->
| locale          = 
| communities     = 
| landmarks       = 
| termini         = <!-- used when route starts and stops at a single location, overrides the start and end parameters -->
| start           = 
| via             = 
| end             = 
| length          = 
| stations        = <!-- Overrides stops if used -->
| stops           = <!-- Overrides stations if used --->
| otherroutes     = 
| compete         = 
| level           = 
| level1          = 
| frequency       = 
| alt_frequency   = 
| time            = 
| day             = 
| zone            = 
| ridership       = 
| dailyridership  =
| annualpatronage = 
| transfers       = 
| timetable_link  = <!-- external link to an online timetable (ex: [http://www.example.com/timetable.html Line xx timetable]) --> 
| map_link        = <!-- external link to an online map (ex: [http://www.example.com/map.html Line xx map]) -->
| map             = <!-- map image (ex: [[File:Image_name.png| 200px]]) or  {{Infobox rdt}} -->
| map_state       = <!-- controls map starting visibility (use 'collapsed' to start hidden), defaults to hidden -->
| map_name        = <!-- name of the map (defaults to 'Route map') -->
| previous_line   = <!-- link to article of previous route if sequential -->
| system_nav      = <!-- link to article of system-->
| next_line       = <!-- link to article of next route if sequential -->
| notes           = <!-- anything special in small font, centered at the bottom of the infobox -->


Bad Title Example.png
Alternate text
Best damn bus in town!
Vehicle898 Fewler
LiveryShield and Wheat
Peak vehicle requirement10
Began service1981
Ended service2010
PredecessorsTrolley #8
Night-time789 alt
Communities servedBack Bay, South End
Landmarks servedMemorial Hospital
StartMaple St.
ViaCarnegie Rd.
EndElm St.
Length8 mi (13 km)
Other routes889, 908
Weekend frequencyEvery two hours
Journey time45 minutes
Operates6:00 am – 8:00 pm
← 786  MBTA  788 →
{{Infobox bus line
| number        = 787
| logo          = Bad Title Example.png
| logo_width    = 100
| titlecolor    = white
| bgcolor       = #008000
| image         = Placeholder.png
| image_width   = 150
| image_alt     = Alternate text
| caption       = ''Best damn bus in town!''
| system        = MBTA
| operator      = Jim
| garage        = Barton's
| vehicle       = 898 Fewler
| livery        = Shield and Wheat
| pvr           = 10
| status        = defunct
| open          = 1981
| close         = 2010
| predecessors  = Trolley #8
| night         = 789 alt
| locale        = Boston
| communities   = Back Bay, South End
| landmarks     = Memorial Hospital
| start         = Maple St.
| via           = Carnegie Rd.
| end           = Elm St.
| length        = {{convert| 8| mi| km| abbr=on}}
| stops         = 43
| otherroutes   = 889, 908
| level         = Daily
| frequency     = Hourly
| alt_frequency = Every two hours
| time          = 45 minutes
| day           = 6:00 am – 8:00 pm
| ridership     = 1,000
| map           = [[File:Placeholder.png| 200px]]
| map_name      = 787 route
| previous_line = [[786]]
| system_nav    = MBTA
| next_line     = [[788]]
| notes         = {{portal-inline| Transportation| size=tiny}}

Tracking category

Supporting template