Template:Infobox LDS Temple

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Number {{{number}}} [{{fullurl:Template:Transclude|action=edit}} edit data]
Dedicated {{{dedication}}} ({{{dedication}}}) by
Site {{{site_acre}}} acres ({{{site_ha}}} hectares)
Floor area {{{floor_area_ft}}} sq ft ({{{floor_area_m}}} m2)
Height {{{height_ft}}} ft ({{{height_m}}} m)
Preceded by [[{{{preceded_by}}}]]
Followed by [[{{{followed_by}}}]]
Official websiteNews & images
Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]


Please discuss proposed changes at Template talk:Infobox LDS Temple.

This is an Infobox for use on LDS Temple pages per the standards established at Wikipedia:WikiProject Latter Day Saint movement/Temples. Below is a list of fields, for a list including instructions on how the data should be formatted for each field copy the Data template from here. There is also a full description of the data fields.

{{Infobox LDS Temple
   | name                = 
   | number              = 
   | image               = 
   | image_caption       = 
   | image_width         = 
   | announcement        = 
   | groundbreaking      = 
   | groundbreaking_by   = 
   | groundbreaking_link = 
   | open_house          = 
   | dedication          = 
   | dedication_by       = 
   | dedication_link     = 
   | rededication        = 
   | rededication_by     = 
   | rededication_link   = 
   | status              = 
   | location            = 
   | address             = 
   | coordinates         = {{coord|...|display=title}}
   | ISO_3166_1_Region   = 
   | finish              = 
   | style               = 
   | design              = 
   | designer            = 
   | site_acre           = 
   | floor_area_ft       = 
   | height_ft           = 
   | endowment_rooms     = 
   | endowment_style     = 
   | sealing_rooms       = 
   | clothing_rental     = 
   | cafeteria           = 
   | visitors_center     = 
   | preceded_by         = 
   | followed_by         = 
   | temple_id           = 
   | lds_id              = 
   | notes               = 


See WP:WikiProject Latter Day Saint movement/Temples#Data template and WP:WikiProject Latter Day Saint movement/Temples#List of fields



Tracking category

See also