Template:France metadata Wikidata

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This template can be used to feed area and population figures from Wikidata to fields in templates such as {{Infobox settlement}}.


{{France metadata Wikidata}} works by checking if the Wikidata entity linked to the article has a Template:Wpl statement dating to 2018 or 2017 and sourced by an external reference (not Template:Wpl or similar properties). If the condition is verified, the population figure is displayed.


{{France metadata Wikidata|population_footnotes}}


{{France metadata Wikidata|population_total}}


{{France metadata Wikidata|population_as_of}}

Updating the figures

See the procedure explained on Wikipedia:Uploading metadata to Wikidata. The mappings between Wikidata IDs for municipalities and municipality keys are available through this Wikidata Query.

Maintenance categories

See also