Template:Convert/doc/parameter list

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Parameter options for {{convert}}
Parameter Value Description Note
|abbr in Use symbol for first (left-hand side) unit Unit display
off Use name for all units Unit display
on Use symbol for all units Unit display
out Use symbol for right-hand side unit (default) Unit display
unit Use symbol for all units when using scientific notation Unit display
values Omit both the input and output units: show only the numbers Unit display
~ Shows both unit name and symbol Unit display
mid User-specified text after the input unit; sets adj=on (adjective). Expects 1 unnamed parameter. Word adding, adjective
on Unit name is adjective (singular and hyphenated) Grammar, adjective
pre User-specified text before input unit. Expects 1 unnamed parameter. Word adding
ri0 Round input with precision 0 Input precision
ri1 Round input with precision 1 Input precision
ri2 Round input with precision 2 Input precision
ri3 Round input with precision 3 Input precision
|comma 5 Only use comma for thousands separator if 5 or more digits Number format
gaps Use gaps (space), not comma, for thousands separator Number format
off No thousands separator Number format
|disp b Join input and output using " (...)" (default) Join values
sqbr Join input and output using " [...]" Join values
br Join input and output using "<br/>" Join values
comma Join input and output using ", " Join values
or Join input and output using " or " Join values
number Display output number only Parts only
output number only
out Display only output number and name/symbol Parts only
output only
preunit Text to be inserted after value and before units, for both input and output, with optionally different text for output. Expects 1 or 2 unnamed parameters. Word adding
table Output is suitable for a table cell with align="right" Table columns
tablecen Output is suitable for a table cell with align="center" Table columns
unit Display input name/symbol only (not input number, not output) Parts only
unit2 Display output name/symbol only (not input; not output number) Parts only
x Join input and output using user-specified text Word adding
|frac N Show imperial number in fractions, denominator=N Number format, fraction
|input P2048 (e.g.) Reads and converts Wikidata property Inside template
|lk in Link left-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
on Link all unit names or symbols (but not twice for the same unit) Unit link
out Link right-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
|order flip Inverts order of input, output measurements (conversion first) Order
out Displays output units in the order entered, skipping input unit Order
|qid Q1056131 (e.g.) Reads Wikidata property from Wikidata item Inside template; testing
|qual Q613628 (e.g.) Qualify Wikidata property
|round 5 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 5 Output precision
25 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 25 Output precision
each In a range, each number is rounded by the default rounding Output precision
|sigfig N Round output number to N significant figures (N is a positive integer) Output precision
|sortable on Adds invisible sort key Table sort
|sp us Use U.S. spelling ("meter" instead of default "metre") Spelling U.S. names
|spell in Spell input number in words Spelling numbers
In Spell input number in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
on Spell input and output numbers in words Spelling numbers
On Spell input and output numbers in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
|$ Replace $-sign with a currency sign, for example in $/acre (no currency conversion happens) Cost per unit
|debug yes Debugging only. In a sortable table: show the normally hidden sort key Table sort
|disp flip Deprecated. Use |order=flip Order
|sing= Deprecated. Use |adj= Plurals