Template:Cite ONRD

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Use this template to create a consistent citation to one of the many commonly used references for Ontario highways.

{{ Cite ONRD | <class><parameter> }}

Note that the ref tags are NOT placed by this template, for ease of naming and linking. This only produces the citation itself.


{{Cite ONRD

Use ONLY ONE of the following classes
Produces a citation to the 2008 MTO distance tables online. No parameters required; automatically sets the accessdate to today.

Produces a citation to the 1989 MTO distance table book
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=

Produces a Mapart citation for the Ontario Back Roads atlas, automatically set to the current year
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=
  • The map section can be set with |section=
  • The year can be overridden with |year=

|ar or |annual or |report
Produces a citation to the Annual report published historically on March 31st of each year
  • Requires a single year: |year= ; template will automatically determine publisher from that year
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=
  • Publisher can be overridden with |publisher=

|onmap or |map
Produces a map citation to the Official Ontario Road map
  • Requires a year(s): |year=
  • Publisher can be overridden with |publisher= ; defaults to Department of Highways
  • Cartography can be overridden with |cartography= ; defaults to C.P. Robins
  • The map section can be set with |section=

Produces a citation to the highway transfer list for April 1, 1997
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=

|wdw or |1998transfer
Produces a citation to the highway transfer list for January 1, 1998
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=

|cl or |CL
Produces a citation to the 2011 Connecting Link list
  • Requires page number(s): |page= or |pages=


See also