Template:Chem molar mass/testtable

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{{Chem molar mass/testtable/row}} (for elements)

Chem molar mass tests
Atomic number Element Molar mass Decimals Formal standard atomic weight s.a.w., formal short Note
Z calculated; g·mol−1 used in calc rounding Ar, standard[1] (data) Ar, abridged and conventional[1]
Template:Val g·mol−1
aspirin, calculated from formula
180.157 g·mol−1 fixed value from ...
|charge=+1 Template:Val g·mol−1
|charge=-1 Template:Val g·mol−1
H+1 Template:Val g·mol−1
1 hydrogen H Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val atomic mass for H, not molar mass for H2
[[]] D Template:Val g·mol−1 10 deutrium, 2H[2]
2 helium He Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
3 lithium Li Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
4 beryllium Be Template:Val g·mol−1 7 Template:Val Template:Val
5 boron B Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
6 carbon C Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
7 nitrogen N Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
8 oxygen O Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
9 fluorine F Template:Val g·mol−1 9 Template:Val Template:Val
10 neon Ne Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
11 sodium Na Template:Val g·mol−1 8 Template:Val Template:Val
12 magnesium Mg Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
13 aluminium Al Template:Val g·mol−1 7 Template:Val Template:Val
14 silicon Si Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
15 phosphorus P Template:Val g·mol−1 9 Template:Val Template:Val
16 sulfur S Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
17 chlorine Cl Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
18 argon Ar Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
19 potassium K Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
20 calcium Ca Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
21 scandium Sc Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
22 titanium Ti Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
23 vanadium V Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
24 chromium Cr Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
25 manganese Mn Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
26 iron Fe Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
27 cobalt Co Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
28 nickel Ni Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
29 copper Cu Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
30 zinc Zn Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
31 gallium Ga Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
32 germanium Ge Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
33 arsenic As Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
34 selenium Se Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
35 bromine Br Template:Val g·mol−1 3 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
36 krypton Kr Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
37 rubidium Rb Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
38 strontium Sr Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
39 yttrium Y Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
40 zirconium Zr Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
41 niobium Nb Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
42 molybdenum Mo Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
43 technetium Tc Template:Val g·mol−1 0
44 ruthenium Ru Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
45 rhodium Rh Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
46 palladium Pd Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
47 silver Ag Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
48 cadmium Cd Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
49 indium In Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
50 tin Sn Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
51 antimony Sb Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
52 tellurium Te Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val (Does not follow atomic number)
53 iodine I Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val (Does not follow atomic number)
54 xenon Xe Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
55 caesium Cs Template:Val g·mol−1 8 Template:Val Template:Val
56 barium Ba Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
57 lanthanum La Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
58 cerium Ce Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
59 praseodymium Pr Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
60 neodymium Nd Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
61 promethium Pm Template:Val g·mol−1 0
62 samarium Sm Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
63 europium Eu Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
64 gadolinium Gd Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
65 terbium Tb Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
66 dysprosium Dy Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
67 holmium Ho Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
68 erbium Er Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
69 thulium Tm Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
70 ytterbium Yb Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
71 lutetium Lu Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
72 hafnium Hf Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
73 tantalum Ta Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
74 tungsten W Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
75 rhenium Re Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
76 osmium Os Template:Val g·mol−1 2 Template:Val Template:Val
77 iridium Ir Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
78 platinum Pt Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
79 gold Au Template:Val g·mol−1 6 Template:Val Template:Val
80 mercury Hg Template:Val g·mol−1 3 Template:Val Template:Val
81 thallium Tl Template:Val g·mol−1 2 [[[:Template:Val]], Template:Val] Template:Val
82 lead Pb Template:Val g·mol−1 1 Template:Val Template:Val
83 bismuth Bi Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
84 polonium Po Template:Val g·mol−1 0
85 astatine At Template:Val g·mol−1 0
86 radon Rn Template:Val g·mol−1 0
87 francium Fr Template:Val g·mol−1 0
88 radium Ra Template:Val g·mol−1 0
89 actinium Ac Template:Val g·mol−1 0
90 thorium Th Template:Val g·mol−1 4 Template:Val Template:Val
91 protactinium Pa Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
92 uranium U Template:Val g·mol−1 5 Template:Val Template:Val
93 neptunium Np Template:Val g·mol−1 0
94 plutonium Pu Template:Val g·mol−1 0
95 americium Am Template:Val g·mol−1 0
96 curium Cm Template:Val g·mol−1 0
97 berkelium Bk Template:Val g·mol−1 0
98 californium Cf Template:Val g·mol−1 0
99 einsteinium Es Template:Val g·mol−1 0
100 fermium Fm Template:Val g·mol−1 0
101 mendelevium Md Template:Val g·mol−1 0
102 nobelium No Template:Val g·mol−1 0
103 lawrencium Lr Template:Val g·mol−1 0
104 rutherfordium Rf Template:Val g·mol−1 0
105 dubnium Db Template:Val g·mol−1 0
106 seaborgium Sg Template:Val g·mol−1 0
107 bohrium Bh Template:Val g·mol−1 0
108 hassium Hs Template:Val g·mol−1 0
109 meitnerium Mt Template:Val g·mol−1 0
110 darmstadtium Ds Template:Val g·mol−1 0
111 roentgenium Rg Template:Val g·mol−1 0
112 copernicium Cn Template:Val g·mol−1 0
113 nihonium Nh Template:Val g·mol−1 0
114 flerovium Fl Template:Val g·mol−1 0
115 moscovium Mc Template:Val g·mol−1 0
116 livermorium Lv Template:Val g·mol−1 0
117 tennessine Ts Template:Val g·mol−1 0
118 oganesson Og Template:Val g·mol−1 0



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.
  2. NIST [1]