Cheatsheet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Footnotes & references usage
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== Notes == {{reflist|group="note"}} == References == {{reflist}} text commented or explained with note [note 1] text documented with reference [1] Notes
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text 1 documented [1] text 2 documented [2] References
Article mark templates
Pictures - videos - sounds
search picture on the web: drag'n'drop picture here:
[[File:Lobodon carcinophagus on sea ice.jpg | thumb | Lobodon carcinophagus ]] [[File:Phoques crabiers.ogv | thumb | left | 300px | Phoques crabiers ]]
<gallery mode="packed" heights=175> File:Astronotus_ocellatus.jpg|Oscar File:Salmonlarvakils.jpg|Salmon Larva File:Georgia Aquarium - Giant Grouper.jpg|Giant grouper </gallery>
We email the following text to the copyright holder, after filling in his full name and multimedia file name:
<score vorbis="1"> \transpose c g \relative c' { \key c \minor \time 4/4 c4 e8 e g4 g % (text after the % is just a comment) <c es g>2 <c es g> % angle brackets create chords es4 d( ces b) % parentheses create ties a4. r8 a4 a % r creates rests e-- e-> e-. g\fermata % accents and other signs \bar "|." } </score> <score vorbis="1"> \transpose c g \relative c' { \key c \minor \time 4/4 c4 e8 e g4 g % (text after the % is just a comment) <c es g>2 <c es g> % angle brackets create chords es4 d( ces b) % parentheses create ties a4. r8 a4 a % r creates rests e-- e-> e-. g\fermata % accents and other signs \bar " Mathematical formulas - Tables Tex code must be placed between:
{{Location map|Greece |label= |lat= |long= |position= right |width= 272 |float= right |caption= Position on map of Greece }}( We get lat & long from web address of Google Maps, they are the two numbers after @ )
{| border="1" class="wikitable" |+ Table title ! Col 1 ! Col 2 ! Col 3 |- ! Row 1 | cell 2 || cell 3 |- ! Row Α | cell Α || cell Β |}
{| class="wikitable sortable" |+ Table title |- ! Letters ! Numbers ! Dates ! class="unsortable" | Unsortable |- | δ || 20 || 24/11/2008 || This |- | β || 6 || 23/03/2004 || column |- | α || 8 || 05/07/2004 || does |- | γ || 4 || 08/12/1492 || not |- | ε || 0 || 13/08/1601 || sort. |}
{{center| {| class="wikitable" ! colspan="3" | Table title |- ! Col1 ! style="width:150px" | Col2 ! Col3 |- | [[File:StarIconBronze.png | 80px | center]] | [[File:StarIconGold.png | 80px | center]] | [[File:StarIconGreen.png | 80px | center]] |- | style="text-align: left" | A | style="text-align: center" | B | style="text-align: right" | C |- style="text-align: right" | Label 1 | Label 2 | Label 3 |} }} Quotes {{Quote box |quote = Cry "Havoc", and let slip the dogs of war. |author = [[William Shakespeare]] |source = ''[[Julius Caesar (play)|Julius Caesar]]'', Act III, Scene I. }}
{{Quote |text = Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war. |author = [[William Shakespeare]] |source = ''[[Julius Caesar (play)|Julius Caesar]]'', act III, scene I }}
{{coord| | |display=title}} (coordinates filled in are found in Google Maps address line: the two numbers after @)
=== old_username@global === {{SRUC |status = <!--don't change this line--> |domain = global |Oldname = old_username |Newname = new_username |confirmation = [diff from user's discussion page in Wikipedia, where rename request is also stated] |reason = Rename reason / comments --~~~~ }}