Template:Babylon-Northport Expressway
<mapframe zoom="11" text="A map showing the built segment of the Babylon-Northport Expressway (black) and the approximate routing of the unbuilt northern extension to Northport (red).'"`UNIQ--ref-00000000-QINU`"'<br/><div class="plainlinks hlist navbar"><span style="word-spacing:0">This map: </span><ul><li class="nv-view"><span title="View this template">view</span></li><li class="nv-talk"><span title="Discuss this template">talk</span></li><li class="nv-edit"><span title="Edit this template">edit</span></li></ul></div>" align="right" height="200" latitude="40.807573" longitude="-73.360519" width="300">{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "stroke": "#000000", "title": "Babylon-Northport Expressway (Built Segment)", "stroke-width": 3 }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -73.31668465398253, 40.6968679566641 ], [ -73.31659806892276, 40.69815697360509 ], [ -73.31650285050274, 40.69885192920343 ], [ -73.31622616387904, 40.69963241111044 ], [ -73.31522905267776, 40.70138036000905 ], [ -73.3144053630531, 40.70277413639273 ], [ -73.31398760899903, 40.703751808576854 ], [ -73.31382097676398, 40.70474744867297 ], [ -73.31375056877734, 40.70562596844365 ], [ -73.31432896200569, 40.72107025875641 ], [ -73.3144611865282, 40.72197648247438 ], [ -73.31472354009748, 40.72278365947244 ], [ -73.31514904741199, 40.723619634617116 ], [ -73.31578691024335, 40.72447856273214 ], [ -73.31654471810907, 40.72515498106859 ], [ -73.31818451173605, 40.726354489510086 ], [ -73.31867154221982, 40.72670302798392 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "stroke": "#cc0000", "title": "Babylon-Northport Expressway (Cancelled Segment)", "stroke-width": 3 }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -73.31866557011382, 40.72670340116746 ], [ -73.31960268784316, 40.727485756039286 ], [ -73.31999353598805, 40.72794914767121 ], [ -73.32054384984077, 40.72884684564077 ], [ -73.32084312569351, 40.72957854365829 ], [ -73.32093105185778, 40.73033970558695 ], [ -73.32096294499935, 40.73081443095302 ], [ -73.3208367973566, 40.73166300839814 ], [ -73.32030773162843, 40.73516508607393 ], [ -73.32038140855731, 40.73653579932578 ], [ -73.32062222063541, 40.73832158381632 ], [ -73.32084719091655, 40.7394418822141 ], [ -73.3212973829359, 40.74076881442219 ], [ -73.32156107760967, 40.74161123180116 ], [ -73.32136561162771, 40.742555882398726 ], [ -73.32073638215662, 40.7442896226809 ], [ -73.31676667090505, 40.75301158561322 ], [ -73.31528060138227, 40.75534738482832 ], [ -73.31463427282871, 40.75696955425472 ], [ -73.31450200639665, 40.75778446532596 ], [ -73.31456730142237, 40.75879656652389 ], [ -73.31498002633454, 40.760750314429636 ], [ -73.31515571102501, 40.76238041480642 ], [ -73.31504004076125, 40.76529501792709 ], [ -73.31459295004608, 40.76652671833658 ], [ -73.31317489966752, 40.7688442999135 ], [ -73.3109300583601, 40.77423648419947 ], [ -73.31055488437414, 40.782881118849616 ], [ -73.31137572415174, 40.79061970136647 ], [ -73.31213286146523, 40.794896039830775 ], [ -73.31305244006218, 40.799081494224524 ], [ -73.31459596753122, 40.806101139916834 ], [ -73.31796096637845, 40.8136780419164 ], [ -73.32202451303603, 40.82071935936456 ], [ -73.32614639773966, 40.82808859201657 ], [ -73.33278838545085, 40.834089664529564 ], [ -73.33346975035967, 40.83522483692172 ], [ -73.33414231427014, 40.83688164638638 ], [ -73.33545374684037, 40.8405845539898 ], [ -73.3398560062051, 40.84702808262003 ], [ -73.34029773250224, 40.84893386954877 ], [ -73.34040388930589, 40.850185290106175 ], [ -73.34029463119806, 40.852433317819504 ], [ -73.34014417603613, 40.855870800767704 ], [ -73.34042354486883, 40.85692324858564 ], [ -73.3424100559205, 40.86155233698026 ], [ -73.34499143064023, 40.87110382919945 ], [ -73.34525814279915, 40.87408635587806 ], [ -73.34556785412133, 40.878173270989905 ], [ -73.3457488194108, 40.880052844007615 ], [ -73.3459493564442, 40.88059174269165 ], [ -73.34675188176335, 40.88189234409197 ], [ -73.34705379791558, 40.8825113613043 ], [ -73.34715509321542, 40.883104834184444 ], [ -73.34719989448787, 40.88372178051551 ], [ -73.34710170049222, 40.88431311964914 ], [ -73.346768792253, 40.884977138118195 ], [ -73.34568109363317, 40.88681868752222 ], [ -73.34443797357382, 40.888471798988625 ], [ -73.34349006414415, 40.89109965934766 ] ] } } ] }</mapframe>