Ruth And The Green Book by Calvin Alexander Ramsey

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Ruth And The Green Book By Calvin Alexander Ramsey (2010)

The Green Book: The Black Travelers’ Guide to Jim Crow America. For nearly 30 years, a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book provided African Americans with suggestions on safe places to eat and sleep when they traveled through the Jim Crow-era United States. [1]

Ruth And The Green Book By Calvin Alexander Ramsey.jpg


Ruth was so excited to take a trip in her family's new car In the early 1950s, few African Americans could afford to buy cars, so this would be an adventure. But she soon found out that black travelers weren't treated very well in some towns. Many hotels and gas stations refused service to black people. Daddy was upset about something called Jim Crow laws. Finally, a friendly attendant at a gas station showed Ruth's family The Green Book. It listed all of the places that would welcome black travelers. With this guidebook--and the kindness of strangers--Ruth could finally make a safe journey from Chicago to her grandma's house in Alabama. [2] The Green Book and its role in helping a generation of African American travelers avoid some of the indignities of Jim Crow are historical fact. [3]


Based on the reader review, this “historical fiction” picture book for kids will acquaint many readers with The Green Book, a yearly publication first available in 1936 that notified African Americans of places that would welcome black travelers. Before the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s, many hotels, restaurants, gas stations, hospitals, and other establishments would not serve African Americans. This story tells about a trip from Chicago taken by a little girl with her parents in the 1950’s to visit Grandma in Alabama. [4] 

Brunetta as one of the reviewer mention that this book is highly recommended and a must read for all ages. Historically correct and enlightning. It brings positive read especially for children. [5]

Other reader named Rachel told that this book is a great book but her kids will have to wait to read it til they’re a little older to read it. she tried to read them and they started sobbing and said they wanted her to stop halfway though. She said that should get it now to have waiting for them when they’re ready. [6] 
