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This template produces formatted text, following the guideline for a Wikipedia hatnote.

{{hatnote|Example hatnote text.}}

Broadly speaking, a hatnote should answer a reader's question (maybe preemptively): Am I on the right page?


This template is primarily used to add a correctly formatted hatnote to a page. Often, but not always, this is a disambiguation link at the top of article pages. It places an HTML div- / div block around the text entered as its only argument, which provides standardized formatting (contents are indented and italicized in most displays); it also isolates the contained code to make sure that it is interpreted correctly.

This template is also used as the "meta-template" for additional specialized disambiguation link templates; see Category:Hatnote templates for a list.

The template does not automatically create links of any kind. Links and other desired formatting must be explicitly added, using normal Wikipedia markup.


Basic usage
All parameters
{{hatnote|text|extraclasses=extra classes|selfref=yes|category=no}}


This template accepts the following parameters:

  • 1 – the hatnote text (required)
  • extraclasses – any extra CSS classes to be added, for example, the {{see also}} template adds the classes "|extraclasses=boilerplate seealso".
  • selfref – If set to "yes", "y", "true" or "1", adds the CSS class "selfref". This is used to denote self-references to Wikipedia. See Template:Selfref for more information.
  • category – If set to "no", "n", "false", or "0", suppresses the error tracking category (Category:Hatnote templates with errors). This has an effect only if the leftmost parameter (the hatnote text) is omitted.


  • {{hatnote|Example hatnote text}}


If no hatnote text is supplied, the template will output the following message:

  • Error: no text specified (help).

If you see this error message, it is for one of four reasons:

  1. No parameters were specified (the template code was {{hatnote}}). Please use {{hatnote|text}} instead.
  2. Some parameters were specified, but the hatnote text wasn't included. For example, the template text {{hatnote|extraclasses=seealso}} will produce this error. Please use (for example) {{hatnote|text|extraclasses=seealso}} instead.
  3. The hatnote text was specified, but that text contains an equals sign ("="). The equals sign has a special meaning in template code, and because of this it cannot be used in template parameters that do not specify a parameter name. For example, the template code {{hatnote|2+2=4}} will produce this error. To work around this, you can specify the parameter name explicitly by using 1= before the hatnote text, like this: {{hatnote|1=2+2=4}}.
  4. You tried to access Module:Hatnote directly by using {{#invoke:hatnote|hatnote|text}}. Use of #invoke in this way has been disabled for performance reasons. Please use {{hatnote|text}} instead.

If you see this error message and are unsure of what to do, please post a message on Template talk:Hatnote, and someone should be able to help you.

Pages that contain this error message are tracked in Category:Hatnote templates with errors.

Technical details

The HTML code produced by this template looks like this:

  • <div role="note" class="hatnote">hatnote text</div>

The code is produced by Module:Hatnote.

See also

TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
See the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Hatnote

Template for creating a standard Wikipedia hatnote. A hatnote is a short note placed at the top of an article to provide disambiguation of closely related terms or summarise a topic, explaining its boundaries.

Template parameters


This field should contain the text that will be displayed in the hatnote.

Extra classesextraclasses

Extra CSS classes to be added to the <div> tags surrounding the hatnote text.

Self referenceselfref

Set to "yes" if the hatnote text is a self-reference to Wikipedia that would not make sense on mirrors or forks of the Wikipedia site. (E.g. "For the Wikipedia Sandbox, see [[WP:SAND]]".)


Set to "no", "n", "false", or "0" to suppresses the error tracking category (Category:Hatnote templates with errors). This only has an effect if the hatnote text is omitted.


--                              Module:Hatnote                                --
--                                                                            --
-- This module produces hatnote links and links to related articles. It       --
-- implements the {{hatnote}} and {{format link}} meta-templates and includes --
-- helper functions for other Lua hatnote modules.                            --

local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg
local mArguments -- lazily initialise [[Module:Arguments]]
local yesno -- lazily initialise [[Module:Yesno]]

local p = {}

-- Helper functions

local function getArgs(frame)
	-- Fetches the arguments from the parent frame. Whitespace is trimmed and
	-- blanks are removed.
	mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
	return mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})

local function removeInitialColon(s)
	-- Removes the initial colon from a string, if present.
	return s:match('^:?(.*)')

function p.findNamespaceId(link, removeColon)
	-- Finds the namespace id (namespace number) of a link or a pagename. This
	-- function will not work if the link is enclosed in double brackets. Colons
	-- are trimmed from the start of the link by default. To skip colon
	-- trimming, set the removeColon parameter to false.
	checkType('findNamespaceId', 1, link, 'string')
	checkType('findNamespaceId', 2, removeColon, 'boolean', true)
	if removeColon ~= false then
		link = removeInitialColon(link)
	local namespace = link:match('^(.-):')
	if namespace then
		local nsTable =[namespace]
		if nsTable then
	return 0

function p.formatPages(...)
	-- Formats a list of pages using formatLink and returns it as an array. Nil
	-- values are not allowed.
	local pages = {...}
	local ret = {}
	for i, page in ipairs(pages) do
		ret[i] = p._formatLink{link = page}
	return ret

function p.formatPageTables(...)
	-- Takes a list of page/display tables and returns it as a list of
	-- formatted links. Nil values are not allowed.
	local pages = {...}
	local links = {}
	for i, t in ipairs(pages) do
		checkType('formatPageTables', i, t, 'table')
		local link = t[1]
		local display = t[2]
		links[i] = p._formatLink{link = link, display = display}
	return links

function p.makeWikitextError(msg, helpLink, addTrackingCategory, title)
	-- Formats an error message to be returned to wikitext. If
	-- addTrackingCategory is not false after being returned from
	-- [[Module:Yesno]], and if we are not on a talk page, a tracking category
	-- is added.
	checkType('makeWikitextError', 1, msg, 'string')
	checkType('makeWikitextError', 2, helpLink, 'string', true)
	yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	title = title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	-- Make the help link text.
	local helpText
	if helpLink then
		helpText = ' ([[' .. helpLink .. '|help]])'
		helpText = ''
	-- Make the category text.
	local category
	if not title.isTalkPage -- Don't categorise talk pages
		and title.namespace ~= 2 -- Don't categorise userspace
		and yesno(addTrackingCategory) ~= false -- Allow opting out
		category = 'Hatnote templates with errors'
		category = string.format(
		category = ''
	return string.format(
		'<strong class="error">Error: %s%s.</strong>%s',

function p.disambiguate(page, disambiguator)
	-- Formats a page title with a disambiguation parenthetical,
	-- i.e. "Example" → "Example (disambiguation)".
	checkType('disambiguate', 1, page, 'string')
	checkType('disambiguate', 2, disambiguator, 'string', true)
	disambiguator = disambiguator or 'disambiguation'
	return string.format('%s (%s)', page, disambiguator)

-- Format link
-- Makes a wikilink from the given link and display values. Links are escaped
-- with colons if necessary, and links to sections are detected and displayed
-- with " § " as a separator rather than the standard MediaWiki "#". Used in
-- the {{format link}} template.

function p.formatLink(frame)
	-- The formatLink export function, for use in templates.
	yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local link = args[1]
	if not link then
		return p.makeWikitextError(
			'no link specified',
			'Template:Format link#Errors',
	return p._formatLink{
		link = link,
		display = args[2],
		italicizePage = yesno(args.italicizepage),
		italicizeSection = yesno(args.italicizesection),

local function italicize(s)
	-- Italicize a string.
	return '<i>' .. s .. '</i>'

local function maybeItalicize(s, shouldItalicize)
	-- italicize s if s is a string and the shouldItalicize parameter is true.
	if s and shouldItalicize then
		return italicize(s)
		return s

local function parseLink(link)
	-- Parse a link and return a table with the link's components.
	-- These components are:
	-- - link: the link, stripped of any initial colon (always present)
	-- - page: the page name (always present)
	-- - section: the page name (may be nil)
	-- - display: the display text, if manually entered after a pipe (may be nil)
	link = removeInitialColon(link)

	-- Find whether a faux display value has been added with the {{!}} magic
	-- word.
	local prePipe, display = link:match('^(.-)|(.*)$')
	link = prePipe or link

	-- Find the page, if it exists.
	-- For links like [[#Bar]], the page will be nil.
	local preHash, postHash = link:match('^(.-)#(.*)$')
	local page
	if not preHash then
		-- We have a link like [[Foo]].
		page = link
	elseif preHash ~= '' then
		-- We have a link like [[Foo#Bar]].
		page = preHash

	-- Find the section, if it exists.
	local section
	if postHash and postHash ~= '' then
		section = postHash
	return {
		link = link,
		page = page,
		section = section,
		display = display,

function p._formatLink(options)
	-- The formatLink export function, for use in modules.
	checkType('_formatLink', 1, options, 'table')
	checkTypeForNamedArg('_formatLink', 'link',, 'string', false)

	local parsed = parseLink(
	local display = options.display or parsed.display
	-- Deal with the case where we don't have to pipe the link
	if not display and not parsed.section and not options.italicizePage then
		return string.format('[[:%s]]',
	-- Find the display text for piped links
	if not display then
		local page = maybeItalicize(, options.italicizePage)
		local section = maybeItalicize(parsed.section, options.italicizeSection)
		if not page then
			display = string.format('§&nbsp;%s', section)
		elseif section then
			display = string.format('%s §&nbsp;%s', page, section)
			display = page
	return string.format('[[:%s|%s]]',, display)

-- Hatnote
-- Produces standard hatnote text. Implements the {{hatnote}} template.

function p.hatnote(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local s = args[1]
	local options = {}
	if not s then
		return p.makeWikitextError(
			'no text specified',
	options.extraclasses = args.extraclasses
	options.selfref = args.selfref
	return p._hatnote(s, options)

function p._hatnote(s, options)
	checkType('_hatnote', 1, s, 'string')
	checkType('_hatnote', 2, options, 'table', true)
	options = options or {}
	local classes = {'hatnote', 'navigation-not-searchable'}
	local extraclasses = options.extraclasses
	local selfref = options.selfref
	if type(extraclasses) == 'string' then
		classes[#classes + 1] = extraclasses
	if selfref then
		classes[#classes + 1] = 'selfref'
	return string.format(
		'<div role="note" class="%s">%s</div>',
		table.concat(classes, ' '),

return p