Module:Location map/data/Indonesia Sumba

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Location map of Sumba
name Sumba
118.666 ←↕→ 121.08
map center Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#coordinates" was not found.
image Sumba Locator Topography.png
Sumba Locator Topography.png

Module:Location map/data/Indonesia Sumba is a location map definition used to overlay markers and labels on an equirectangular projection map of Sumba. The markers are placed by latitude and longitude coordinates on the default map or a similar map image.


These definitions are used by the following templates when invoked with parameter "Indonesia Sumba":

Map definition

  • name = Sumba
    Name used in the default map caption
  • bottom = -10.668
    Latitude at bottom edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • left = 118.666
    Longitude at left edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • right = 121.08
    Longitude at right edge of map, in decimal degrees


Longitude: from West to East this map definition covers 2.414 degrees.

  • At an image width of 200 pixels, that is 0.0121 degrees per pixel.
  • At an image width of 1000 pixels, that is 0.0024 degrees per pixel.

Latitude: from North to South this map definition covers 1.668 degrees.

  • At an image height of 200 pixels, that is 0.0083 degrees per pixel.
  • At an image height of 1000 pixels, that is 0.0017 degrees per pixel.

See also

Location map templates

Creating new map definitions

return {
	name = 'Sumba',
	top = -9.000,
	bottom = -10.668,
	left = 118.666,
	right = 121.080,
	image = 'Sumba Locator Topography.png'