Module:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code/make
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![]() | This module depends on the following other modules: |
{{#invoke:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code/make|iso_639_name_to_code}}
Results are at Module talk:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code/make
require('Module:No globals');
local temp = {};
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ L A N G >--------------------------------------------------------------
temp table is a table of tables where the key is the language name and the value is a table listing the ISO 639
codes associated with that language name.
This function adds language name (as index) and its code (as a table element) using an appropriate index number.
<lang> is the language name from the source data
<code> is the associated ISO 639 code from the source data
<part> is 1 for ISO 639-1 language names and codes, 2, 2B, 3, 5. <part> for the override data is prefixed with 'O'
local function lang_add (lang, code, part)
part = ({ -- convert string <part> to a numeric index
['1']=1, ['2']=2, ['2B']=3, ['3']=4, ['5']=5, -- for the base ISO 639 parts
['O1']=6, ['O2']=7, ['O2B']=8, ['O3']=9, ['O5']=10, -- for the override tables
['D1']=11, ['D2']=12, ['D2B']=13, ['D3']=14, ['D5']=15, -- for the deprecated tables
lang = mw.ustring.lower (lang); -- convert to lowercase for use as table index
if not temp[lang] then -- when no entry for this language
temp[lang] = {}; -- make a blank entry
table.insert (temp[lang], table.concat ({ -- add the code; codes are added in the order that this function is called in iso_639_name_to_code()
'[', -- open the key
part, -- add the language name as index
']=\"', -- close key, add assignment operator and open quote because <code> is a string
code, -- add <code>
'\"' -- close the quote
--[[--------------------------< I S O 6 3 9 _ N A M E _ T O _ C O D E >----------------------------------------
read code-to-name source tables and convert to a name-to-code table.
local function iso_639_name_to_code ()
local out = {};
local part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3'); -- ISO 639-3 language codes / names
for code, v in pairs (part_data) do -- start with part 3 because it has the most codes
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do -- code can have multiple names so for each one
lang_add (lang, code, '3'); -- create and / or add this name / code pair to the output
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-5'); -- ISO 639-5 language codes / names
for code, v in pairs (part_data) do -- now part 5
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
lang_add (lang, code, '5');
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2'); -- ISO 639-2 language codes / names
for code, v in pairs (part_data) do -- now part 2
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
lang_add (lang, code, '2');
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2B'); -- ISO 639-2B language codes / names
for code, v in pairs (part_data) do -- now part 2B
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
lang_add (lang, code, '2B');
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-1'); -- ISO 639-1 language codes / names
for code, v in pairs (part_data) do -- now part 1
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
lang_add (lang, code, '1');
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639 override'); -- has override data for all parts
for _, o_part in ipairs ({'1', '2', '2B', '3', '5'}) do -- for each of the override tables
local o_part_data = part_data['override_' .. o_part]; -- point to override data
o_part = 'O' .. o_part; -- prefix o_part
for code, v in pairs (o_part_data) do -- for each code in the data table
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do -- and for each language name associated with that code
lang_add (lang, code, o_part); -- add
part_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639 deprecated'); -- has deprecated data for all parts
for _, d_part in ipairs ({'1', '2', '2B', '3', '5'}) do -- for each of the deprecated tables
local d_part_data = part_data['deprecated_' .. d_part]; -- point to deprecated data
d_part = 'D' .. d_part; -- prefix d_part
for code, v in pairs (d_part_data) do -- for each code in the data table
for _, lang in ipairs (v) do -- and for each language name associated with that code
lang_add (lang, code, d_part); -- add
local function comp (a, b)
return tonumber (a:match ('(%d+)')) < tonumber (b:match ('(%d+)'));
for lang, codes in pairs (temp) do
table.sort (codes, comp); -- codes are added in the order that lang_add() is called above; sort to make pretty
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'["', lang, '"] = {', table.concat (codes, ', '), '}'})); -- reformat
table.sort (out); -- sort in language name order
local key_str = table.concat ({
'--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 _ N A M E _ T O _ C O D E >--------------------------------------<br /><br />',
'Key:<br />	',
'[1]=ISO 639-1		[6]=ISO 639-1 override		[11]=ISO 639-1 deprecated<br />	',
'[2]=ISO 639-2		[7]=ISO 639-2 override		[12]=ISO 639-2 deprecated<br />	',
'[3]=ISO 639-2B		[8]=ISO 639-2B override		[13]=ISO 639-2B deprecated<br />	',
'[4]=ISO 639-3		[9]=ISO 639-3 override		[14]=ISO 639-3 deprecated<br />	',
'[5]=ISO 639-5		[10]=ISO 639-5 override		[15]=ISO 639-5 deprecated',
'<br />]]<br /><br />'
return table.concat ({'<pre>', key_str, 'return {<br />	', table.concat (out, ',<br />	'), '<br />	}<br /></pre>'}); -- render
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {iso_639_name_to_code = iso_639_name_to_code}