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Implements {{ConvertStringToNumeric}}
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- language object for this wiki
local presentation ={}; -- table of tables that contain currency presentation data
local properties;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------
Whether variable is set or not. A variable is set when it is not nil and not empty.
local function is_set( var )
return not (var == nil or var == '');
--[[--------------------------< R E N D E R _ C O N V E R T S T R I N G T O N U M E R I C >------------------------------------------------
Renders currency amount with symbol or long-form name.
Also, entry point for other modules. Assumes that parameters have been vetted; amount is a number, code is upper
case string, long_form is boolean; all are required.
local function render_ConvertStringToNumeric (amount)
local name;
local output;
output = amount;
output = string.gsub (output , 'thousand', '* 1000' );
output = string.gsub (output , 'million', '* 1000000' );
output = string.gsub (output , 'billion', '* 1000000000' );
output = string.gsub (output , 'trillion', '* 1000000000000' );
output = string.gsub (output , ',', '' );
return output ;
--[[--------------------------< C O N V E R T S T R I N G T O N U M E R I C >--------------------------------------------------------------
Template:ConvertStringToNumeric entry point. The template takes three parameters:
positional (1st), |amount=, |Amount= : digits and decimal points only
local function ConvertStringToNumeric(frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs (frame);
local amount;
if not is_set (args[1]) then
return '<span style="font-size:inherit" class="error">{{ConvertStringToNumeric}} – invalid amount ([[Template:ConvertStringToNumeric/doc#Error_messages|help]])</span>';
amount = args[1];
return render_ConvertStringToNumeric (amount);
return {
ConvertStringToNumeric = ConvertStringToNumeric, -- template entry point
_render_ConvertStringToNumeric = render_ConvertStringToNumeric, -- other modules entry point