Module:Commons link
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![]() | This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other Wikipedia resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing. |
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGallery}}
- Use wikidata to find Commons gallery corresponding to this article. If unable to find gallery in wikidata, default to searching for PAGENAME in Commons.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGallery|title|linktext=text}}
- Link to Commons gallery at
. Optionally, usetext
as displayed link text.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGallery|search=string|linktext=text}}
- Link to Commons search for
. Optionally, usetext
as displayed link text.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getCategory}}
- Use wikidata to find Commons category corresponding to this article. If unable to find category in wikidata, default to searching for Category:PAGENAME in Commons.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getCategory|title|linktext=text}}
- Link to Commons category at
. Optionally, usetext
as displayed link text.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getCategory|search=string|linktext=text}}
- Link to Commons search for
. Optionally, usetext
as displayed link text.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGalleryOrCategory}}
- Use wikidata to find "best" single Commons link: try gallery first, fall back to category. Other arguments as above.
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGalleryAndCategory}}
- Lua to implement {{commons and category}}: return Commons gallery, Commons category, or both (if both found)
{{#invoke:Commons link|getGalleryAndCategory|GalleryName|CategoryName}}
- Either GalleryName or CategoryName or both can be supplied, will override wikidata search
{{#invoke:Commons link|bold=1|italic=1}}
- Format of first link can be specified (bold or italic or both)
{{#invoke:Commons link|linktext=link|categoryText=category}}
- Text in the first link, and the second (category) link can be overridden, also.
-- Module to find commons galleries and categories based on wikidata entries
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
-- Check if string is a valid QID
-- Argument: QID to check
-- Returns: valid (bool)
local function _validQID(qid)
return qid and mw.ustring.find(qid,"^[Qq]%d+$")
-- Check if string is a valid wikidata property string
-- Argument: property string to check
-- Returns: valid (bool)
local function _validProp(prop)
return prop and mw.ustring.find(prop,"^[Pp]%d+$")
function _lcfirst(doit,s)
if doit then
return mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(s,1,1)),2)
return s
-- Get title, namespace, and QID for current page
-- Arguments:
-- qid = testing only: get title of alternative page with QID=qid
-- Returns:
-- title, namespace (number), qid of current page (or test page)
local function _getTitleQID(qid)
local titleObject = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
-- look up qid for current page (if not testing)
if not _validQID(qid) then
qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
return titleObject.text, titleObject.namespace, qid
-- testing-only path: given a qid, determine title
-- always use namespace from current page (to suppress tracking cat)
qid = qid:upper()
local title = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid) or ""
-- strip any namespace from sitelink
local firstColon = mw.ustring.find(title,':',1,true)
if firstColon then
title = mw.ustring.sub(title,firstColon+1)
return title, titleObject.namespace, qid
-- Lookup Commons gallery in Wikidata
-- Arguments:
-- qid = QID of current article
-- fetch = whether to lookup Commons sitelink (bool)
-- commonsSitelink = default value for Commons sitelink
-- Returns:
-- categoryLink = name of Commons category, nil if nothing is found
-- consistent = multiple wikidata fields are examined: are they consistent?
-- commonsSitelink = commons sitelink for current article
local function _lookupGallery(qid,fetch,commonsSitelink)
if not _validQID(qid) then
return nil, true, nil
qid = qid:upper()
local galleryLink = nil
local consistent = true
-- look up commons sitelink for article, use if not category
if fetch then
commonsSitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid,"commonswiki") or commonsSitelink
if commonsSitelink and mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,1,9) ~= "Category:" then
galleryLink = commonsSitelink
-- P935 is the "commons gallery" property for this article
local P935 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P935")[1]
if P935 and P935.mainsnak.datavalue then
local gallery = P935.mainsnak.datavalue.value
if galleryLink and galleryLink ~= gallery then
consistent = false
galleryLink = gallery
return galleryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink
-- Find fallback category by looking up Commons sitelink of different page
-- Arguments:
-- qid = QID for current article
-- property = property that refers to other article whose sitelink to return
-- Returns: either category-stripped name of article, or nil
local function _lookupFallback(qid,property)
if not _validQID(qid) or not _validProp(property) then
return nil
qid = qid:upper()
property = property:upper()
-- If property exists on current article, get value (other article qid)
local value = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, property)[1]
if value and value.mainsnak.datavalue and then
-- Look up Commons sitelink of other article
local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(,"commonswiki")
-- Check to see if it starts with "Category:". If so, strip it and return
if sitelink and mw.ustring.sub(sitelink,1,9) == "Category:" then
return mw.ustring.sub(sitelink,10)
return nil
-- Find Commons category by looking in wikidata
-- Arguments:
-- qid = QID of current article
-- fetch = whether to lookup Commons sitelink (bool)
-- commonsSitelink = default value for Commons sitelink
-- Returns:
-- categoryLink = name of Commons category, nil if nothing is found
-- consistent = multiple wikidata fields are examined: are they consistent?
-- commonsSitelink = commons sitelink for current article
local function _lookupCategory(qid, fetch, commonsSitelink)
if not _validQID(qid) then
return nil, true, nil
qid = qid:upper()
local categoryLink = nil
local consistent = true
-- look up commons sitelink for article, use if starts with "Category:"
if fetch then
commonsSitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid,"commonswiki") or commonsSitelink
if commonsSitelink and mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,1,9) == "Category:" then
categoryLink = mw.ustring.sub(commonsSitelink,10)
-- P373 is the "commons category" property for this article
local P373 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P373")[1]
if P373 and P373.mainsnak.datavalue then
P373 = P373.mainsnak.datavalue.value
if categoryLink and categoryLink ~= P373 then
consistent = false
qid = nil -- stop searching on inconsistent data
categoryLink = P373
-- P910 is the "topic's main category". Look for commons sitelink there
local fallback = _lookupFallback(qid,"P910")
if fallback then
if categoryLink and categoryLink ~= fallback then
consistent = false
qid = nil
categoryLink = fallback
-- P1754 is the "list's main category". Look for commons sitelink there
fallback = _lookupFallback(qid,"P1754")
if fallback then
if categoryLink and categoryLink ~= fallback then
consistent = false
categoryLink = fallback
return categoryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink
-- Does the article have a corresponding Commons gallery?
-- Arguments:
-- qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only)
-- Returns:
-- filename at Commons if so, nil if not
function p._hasGallery(qid)
local wp_title, wp_ns
wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid)
local galleryLink, consistent = _lookupGallery(qid,true)
if galleryLink and consistent then
return galleryLink
return nil
-- Does the article have a corresponding Commons category?
-- Arguments:
-- qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only)
-- Returns:
-- filename at Commons if so, blank if not
function p._hasCategory(qid)
local wp_title, wp_ns
wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid)
local categoryLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,true)
if categoryLink and consistent then
return "Category:"..categoryLink
return nil
-- Create Commons link corresponding to current article
-- Arguments:
-- namespace = namespace in Commons ("" for galleries)
-- default = use as Commons link, don't access wikidata
-- linktext = text to display in link
-- search = string to search for
-- lcfirst = lower case the first letter in linktext
-- qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only)
-- Returns:
-- formatted wikilink to Commons in specified namespace
function p._getCommons(namespace,default,linktext,search,lcfirst,qid)
local nsColon
if not namespace or namespace == "" then
nsColon = ""
nsColon = namespace..":"
if default then
return "[[Commons:"..nsColon..default.."|".._lcfirst(lcfirst,linktext or default).."]]"
if search then
return "[[Commons:Special:Search/""|".._lcfirst(lcfirst,linktext or search).."]]"
local wp_title, wp_ns
wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid)
-- construct default result (which searches for title)
local searchResult = "[[Commons:Special:Search/"..nsColon..wp_title.."|".._lcfirst(lcfirst,linktext or wp_title).."]]"
local commonsLink = nil
local consistent = true
if nsColon == "" then
commonsLink, consistent = _lookupGallery(qid,true)
elseif namespace:lower() == "category" then
commonsLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,true)
-- use wikidata if consistent
if commonsLink and consistent then
return "[[Commons:"..nsColon..commonsLink.."|".._lcfirst(lcfirst,linktext or commonsLink).."]]"
-- if not consistent, fall back to search and add to tracking cat
if not consistent and wp_ns == 0 then
local friendlyNS
if nsColon == "" then
friendlyNS = "gallery"
friendlyNS = namespace:lower()
searchResult = searchResult.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons "..friendlyNS.."]]"
return searchResult
-- Returns "best" Commons link: first look for gallery, then try category
-- Arguments:
-- default = use as Commons link, don't access wikidata
-- linktext = text to display in link
-- search = string to search for
-- qid = QID to lookup in wikidata (for testing only)
-- Returns:
-- formatted wikilink to Commons "best" landing page
function p._getGalleryOrCategory(default,linktext,search,qid)
if default then
return "[[Commons:"..default.."|"..(linktext or default).."]]"
if search then
return "[[Commons:Special:Search/""|"..(linktext or search).."]]"
local wp_title, wp_ns
wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid)
-- construct default result (which searches for title)
local searchResult = "[[Commons:Special:Search/"..wp_title.."|"..(linktext or wp_title).."]]"
local trackingCats = ""
local galleryLink, consistent, commonsSitelink = _lookupGallery(qid,true)
-- use wikidata if either sitelink or P935 exist, and they both agree
if galleryLink and consistent then
return "[[Commons:"..galleryLink.."|"..(linktext or galleryLink).."]]"
if not consistent and wp_ns == 0 then
trackingCats = "[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons gallery]]"
-- if gallery is not good, fall back looking for category
local categoryLink
categoryLink, consistent = _lookupCategory(qid,false,commonsSitelink)
if categoryLink and consistent then
return "[[Commons:Category:"..categoryLink.."|"..(linktext or categoryLink).."]]"..trackingCats
if not consistent and wp_ns == 0 then
trackingCats = trackingCats.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons category]]"
return searchResult..trackingCats
-- Make a string bold, italic, or both
-- Arguments:
-- s = string to format
-- bold = make it bold
-- italic = make it italic
-- Returns:
-- string modified with html tags
local function _formatResult(s,bold,italic)
local resultVal = ""
if bold then resultVal = "<b>" end
if italic then resultVal = resultVal.."<i>" end
resultVal = resultVal..s
if italic then resultVal = resultVal.."</i>" end
if bold then resultVal = resultVal.."</b>" end
return resultVal
-- Return link(s) Commons gallery, or category, or both from wikidata
-- Arguments:
-- defaultGallery = default gallery link to use, instead of wikidata
-- defaultCategory = default category link to use, instead of wikidata
-- categoryText = if both gallery and category, text to use in category link ("category" by default)
-- bold = whether to make first link bold
-- italic = whether to make first link italic
-- qid = qid of page to lookup in wikidata (testing only)
function p._getGalleryAndCategory(defaultGallery,defaultCategory,linkText,categoryText,bold,italic,oneSearch,qid)
local wp_title, wp_ns
wp_title, wp_ns, qid = _getTitleQID(qid)
categoryText = categoryText or "category"
-- construct default result (which searches for title)
local searchResult = _formatResult("[[Commons:Special:Search/"..wp_title.."|"..(linkText or wp_title).."]]",bold,italic)
if not oneSearch then
searchResult = searchResult.." ([[Commons:Special:Search/Category:"..wp_title.."|"..categoryText.."]])"
local trackingCats = ""
local galleryLink, galleryConsistent
local commonsSitelink = nil
if defaultGallery then
galleryLink = defaultGallery
galleryConsistent = true
galleryLink, galleryConsistent, commonsSitelink = _lookupGallery(qid,true)
local galleryGood = galleryLink and galleryConsistent
if not galleryConsistent and wp_ns == 0 then
trackingCats = "[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons gallery]]"
local categoryLink, categoryConsistent
if defaultCategory then
categoryLink = defaultCategory
categoryConsistent = true
categoryLink, categoryConsistent = _lookupCategory(qid,defaultGallery,commonsSitelink)
local categoryGood = categoryLink and categoryConsistent
if not categoryConsistent and wp_ns == 0 then
trackingCats = trackingCats.."[[Category:Inconsistent wikidata for Commons category]]"
local firstLink
if galleryGood then
firstLink = galleryLink
linkText = linkText or galleryLink
elseif categoryGood then
firstLink = "Category:"..categoryLink
linkText = linkText or categoryLink
return searchResult..trackingCats
local resultVal = _formatResult("[[Commons:"..firstLink.."|"..linkText.."]]",bold,italic)
if galleryGood and categoryGood then
resultVal = resultVal.." ([[Commons:Category:"..categoryLink.."|"..categoryText.."]])"
return resultVal..trackingCats
-- Testing-only entry point for _getTitleQID
function p.getTitleQID(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
local text, ns, qid = _getTitleQID(args[1])
return text..","..ns..","..(qid or "nil")
-- Testing-only entry point for _lookupFallback
function p.lookupFallback(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
local fallback = _lookupFallback(args[1],args[2])
return fallback or "nil"
-- Find the Commons gallery page associated with article
function p.getGallery(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._getCommons("",args[1],args.linktext,,args.lcfirst,args.qid)
-- Find the Commons category page associated with article
function p.getCategory(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._getCommons("Category",args[1],args.linktext,,args.lcfirst,args.qid)
function p.getGalleryOrCategory(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._getGalleryOrCategory(args[1],args.linktext,,args.qid)
function p.hasGallery(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._hasGallery(args.qid) or ""
function p.hasCategory(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._hasCategory(args.qid) or ""
function p.hasGalleryOrCategory(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._hasGallery(args.qid) or p._hasCategory(args.qid) or ""
function p.getGalleryAndCategory(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame,{frameOnly=true,parentOnly=false,parentFirst=false})
return p._getGalleryAndCategory(args[1],args[2],args.linktext,args.categoryText,
return p