Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior

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Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior was written by Ed Clayton and illustrated by Donald Bermudez also Foreword by Xernona Clayton. This book has 128 pages and it was published in December 12th 2017 by Candlewick Press. but the first publication was made in 1968. Ed Clayton was a well-known editor, author, and reporter. He worked on special assignments for Life magazine and contributed articles to the Associated Press, United Press International, and the Associated Negro Press. He also served as an editor with Jet, Ebony, and the Negro Digest. Until his death in 1966, Ed Clayton was an associate of Dr. King at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior


A biography of the black leader, Martin Luther King, who, encouraged by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, inspired the Nation to begin a non-violent campaign for equality. [1]


Jennifer, as one of the readers, explained why she gave this book five stars. It because this book was lovely. A compelling, moving account of Martin Luther King Jr's life. There is a nice emphasis on Martin Luther King Sr. too. It's easy to follow and very engaging. It's touching and a very compassionate account. She thought it could sustain the attention of most children. And there are some lovely illustrations as well. It would be an excellent read for 4th-7th graders. So does for Ginny Kaczmarek who really loved this book. She said this book is appropriate for middle-grade readers, The Peaceful Warrior traces King’s life, work, and death through personalized moments and beautifully painted illustrations. Clayton gently but clearly describes “what it meant to be a black person in the Deep South” during King’s childhood, from “For Whites Only” signs on buses, to policemen who call King’s venerable father “boy." King’s work to improve life for all Americans is as relevant today as it was when The Peaceful Warrior was originally published. Highly recommended as a precursor to or companion with John Lewis’s March. [2]

Carrie P was written her reviewed for this book. She revealed that she found the book to be a very easy read. The print was on the larger side, and each chapter has a beautiful illustration having to do with the chapter’s part in Dr. King’s life. She could easily see a third grader reading this story and learning more about Dr. Martin Luther King and his amazing contributions to our world. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior was one of her favorite books that she has read thus far on Dr. King and would highly recommend it. At the end of the book, there were various resources including an afterword with information about the holiday becoming a federal holiday, the song “We Shall Overcome” and a bibliography of books to read about black history and the civil rights movement. [3]

Dr. King became a leader of the civil rights movement. In 1955, he helped to organize the famous Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. Freedom rides, sit-ins, and protest marches strengthened the battle against discrimination. As a result of these, in 1964 the United States Congress passed the historic Civil Rights Bill. He received world acclaim when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Congress has recently established a national holiday commemorating the birthday of this great man who courageously led a peaceful struggle for equal rights for all Americans. [4]


  1. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior. Retrieved February 10th, 2021
  2. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior. Retrieved February 10th, 2021
  3. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior Book Review by Carrie P. Retrieved February 10th, 2021
  4. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior. Retrieved February 10th, 2021