Template:Infobox NRHP/doc

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Template:Subpage other

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]

Nearest city{{{nearest_city}}}
Built by{{{builder}}}
Architectural style{{{architecture}}}
Restored by{{{restored_by}}}
Visitation{{{visitation_num}}} ({{{visitation_year}}}){{{visitation_ref}}}
Part of
  • {{{partof}}} ({{{partof_refnum}}})
  • {{{partof2}}} ({{{partof2_refnum}}})
NRHP reference No.{{{refnum}}}
Significant dates
Added to NRHP{{{added}}}
Boundary increases{{{increase}}}
Boundary decreases{{{decrease}}}
Designated {{{NRHP_TYPE}}}{{{designated_nrhp_type}}}
Designated {{{NRHP_TYPE2}}}{{{designated_nrhp_type2}}}
Designated {{{DESIGNATED_OTHER1_ABBR}}}{{{designated_other1_date}}}
Designated {{{DESIGNATED_OTHER2_ABBR}}}{{{designated_other2_date}}}
Removed from NRHP{{{delisted}}}
Delisted {{{NRHP_TYPE}}}{{{delisted_nrhp_type}}}
Delisted {{{NRHP_TYPE2}}}{{{delisted_nrhp_type2}}}
Delisted {{{DESIGNATED_OTHER1_ABBR}}}{{{delisted_other1_date}}}
Delisted {{{DESIGNATED_OTHER2_ABBR}}}{{{delisted_other2_date}}}

This template is part of WikiProject National Register of Historic Places. The infobox should only be used on articles about sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For sites that are not listed on the register but otherwise historic, {{Infobox historic site}} may be useful. Examples of the usage of this infobox are displayed at the bottom of the page.


To get started, copy and paste one of the following blank templates into the top of the article. There is also a tool developed by User:Elkman found here that will create a pre-filled infobox for any site listed on the register that can be pasted into an article.

Blank template with most common parameters

{{Infobox NRHP
| name                 = 
| nrhp_type            = 
| image                = 
| alt                  = 
| caption              = 
| locmapin             = 
| map_label            =
| map_alt              = 
| map_caption          = 
| coordinates          = 
| location             = 
| built                = 
| architect            = 
| architecture         = 
| added                = 
| designated_nrhp_type = 
| visitation_num       = 
| visitation_year      = 
| refnum               = 
| website              = <!-- {{URL|www.example.com}} -->
| mpsub                = 

Blank template with all parameters

{{Infobox NRHP
| name                     = 
| nrhp_type                = 
| nrhp_type2               = 
| nrhp_type3               = 
| nrhp_type4               = 
| designated_other1        =
| designated_other1_name   = 
| designated_other1_abbr   = 
| designated_other1_color  = 
| designated_other1_link   =
| designated_other2        = 
| designated_other2_name   = 
| designated_other2_abbr   = 
| designated_other2_color  = 
| designated_other2_link   =
| designated_other3        = 
| designated_other3_name   = 
| designated_other3_abbr   = 
| designated_other3_color  = 
| designated_other3_link   = 
| partof                   = 
| partof_refnum            = 
| image                    = 
| image_size               = 240
| alt                      = 
| caption                  = 
| district_map             =
| locmapin                 = 
| map_label                =
| label_position           =
| label_size               =
| label_background         =
| map_width                = 235
| map_alt                  = 
| map_caption              = 
| coordinates              = <!-- {{coord|25|N|67|W|display=inline,title}} -->
| location                 = 
| nearest_city             = 
| area                     = 
| built                    = 
| builder                  =
| demolished               =
| restored                 =
| restored_by              =
| architect                = 
| engineer                 =
| customarchitect_title    =
| customarchitect          =
| architecture             =
| visitation_num           = 
| visitation_year          = 
| visitation_ref           = 
| mpsub                    = 
| sigdate1_label           =
| sigdate1                 =
| sigdate2_label           =
| sigdate2                 =
| sigdate3_label           =
| sigdate3                 =
| added                    = 
| increase                 =
| increase2                =
| increase3                =
| decrease                 =
| decrease2                =
| decrease3                =
| delisted                 = 
| designated_nrhp_type     = 
| designated_nrhp_type2    = 
| designated_nrhp_type3    = 
| designated_nrhp_type4    = 
| designated_other1_date   = 
| designated_other2_date   = 
| designated_other3_date   = 
| delisted_nrhp_type       = 
| delisted_nrhp_type2      = 
| delisted_nrhp_type3      = 
| delisted_nrhp_type4      = 
| delisted_other1_date     =
| delisted_other2_date     =
| delisted_other3_date     =
| refnum                   = 
| website                  = <!-- {{URL|www.example.com}} -->
| increase_refnum          =
| increase2_refnum         =
| increase3_refnum         =
| decrease_refnum          =
| decrease2_refnum         =
| decrease3_refnum         =
| designated_other1_number = 
| designated_other1_num_position = both
| designated_other2_number = 
| designated_other2_num_position = both
| designated_other3_number = 
| designated_other3_num_position = both
| nocat                    =


All fields are optional because they use ParserFunctions, which allow fields to be hidden if no value is set.

Wikilinks are acceptable in any of the Infobox fields except coordinates and map parameters.

Please spend some time at the National Register of Historic Places WikiProject article and its talk page for standards on presenting names and other data.

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]

Manzanar War Relocation Center
Small buildings in rows in a dusty flat area. A tattered U.S. flag flies from a pole in the foreground, and tall mountains dominate the background below a sky with clouds.
A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert July 3, 1942
Lua error in Module:Location_map at line 399: Malformed coordinates value.
Nearest cityIndependence, California
CoordinatesLua error: callParserFunction: function "#coordinates" was not found.
Area814 acres (329 ha)
Built1942 (1942)
Visitation81,344 (2007)
NRHP reference No.[[[:Template:NRHP Focus]] 76000484]
CHISL No.850
LAHCM No.160
Significant dates
Added to NRHPJuly 30, 1976
Designated NHLFebruary 4, 1985
Designated NHSMarch 3, 1992
Designated CHISL1972
Designated LAHCMSeptember 15, 1976


name — The NRHP listing name, preferably the exact name listed on the Register, although we turn around names that have been reordered for alphabetization purposes, such as "Smith, John, House". This does not have to match the name of the article. If the article name is different, then this name should also be included with bold text in the lead.

Example format — name = Manzanar War Relocation Center.

added — Date that the NRHP was added to the register.

Example format — added = July 30, 1976.

nrhp_type — Type of historic place (as defined by the National Park Service). Setting any value to this causes a bar to be shown across the top of the infobox with that designation and its standard color. Former designations grey out the bar and add the word "Former."

Accepted values
"nrhp" — National Register of Historic Places
"nhl" — National Historic Landmark
"hd" — Historic District (more information here)
"nhld" — National Historic Landmark District (NHL that is also a historic district)
"cp" — Contributing Property to a Historic District (more info here)
"nhldcp" — Contributing Property to a National Historic Landmark District
"indcp" — Contributing Property that is also individually listed (more info here)
"nmon" — National Monument
"nhs" — National Historic Site
"nmem" — National Memorial
"nhp" — National Historic Park
"nb" — National Battlefield
"nmp" — National Military Park
"nbp" — National Battlefield Park
"nbs" — National Battlefield Site
"nhr" — National Historic Reserve
"ihs" — International Historic Site

If a property has been delisted from one of these designations, append "former" to the beginning of the value (i.e. "formernhl", "formerhd", etc.) "formernrhp" is also available, though not required. For more information about delistings, click here.

nrhp_type2, nrhp_type3, nrhp_type4 — Second, third, and fourth type of historic place (some places may be designated as more than one); same accepted values as nrhp_type. Setting a value to any these causes multiple bars to be displayed across the top of the infobox.

designated_nrhp_type — Date the NRHP was designated a specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). This parameter requires an acceptable value in nrhp_type.

Example formats —
If the site was designated a National Historic Landmark on January 1, 2000:
nrhp_type = nhl, and designated_nrhp_type = January 1, 2000.
Works with former designations as well; if the site is a former NHL, designated_nrhp_type is the date on which it was added, not delisted. (There is another parameter for that date)
nrhp_type = formernhl, and designated_nrhp_type = January 1, 2000.

designated_nrhp_type2, designated_nrhp_type3, designated_nrhp_type4 — Date the NRHP was designated a second, third, or fourth specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). Requires an acceptable value in nrhp_typen and works like designated_nrhp_type.

Local designations

Many sites are not only listed on the NRHP but on state or local registers as well. For example, Manzanar (the example infobox to the right) is listed on the NRHP but also as a California Historical Landmark and a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. For sites like Manzanar, the infobox contains parameters to allow information about the local register to be displayed as well. For sites that are not listed on the NRHP – only on the local register(s) – {{Infobox historic site}} may be useful.

Designations supported by Template:Designation

This infobox supports use of Template:Designation, which is a centralized template for standardizing the appearance of many state and local designations, as well as national and international ones. Adding any register supported by the Designation template (a list of supported designations can be found here) requires only one parameter for full support.

designated_other1 – This parameter must match up with the callnames listed here for designations supported by the Designation template. Setting a value for this parameter causes a bar to be displayed across the top of the infobox under the NPS bars. If the value is a valid callname, the bar's color, text, and abbreviation (used farther down in the infobox) are automatically filled in.

Example format – designated_other1 = California Historical Landmark would automatically color the bar gold and link to List of California Historical Landmarks, as well as make the abbreviation "CHISL" show up farther down in the information section of the infobox.

Designations not supported by Template:Designation

To achieve the same effect as the above parameter for sites not supported by the Designation template, the following parameters are necessary. The use of the above designated_other1 parameter overrides these.

designated_other1_name — The name of the state or local register.

Example format — designated_other1_name = California Historical Landmark.

designated_other1_abbr — An abbreviation (preferably official) used for the state or local register.

Example format — designated_other1_abbr = CHISL.

designated_other1_color — The background color of the bar at the top of the infobox for that register. Accepts standard HTML colors and any hex value. Default value is white.

Example format — designated_other1_color = blue.
Example format — designated_other1_color = #073ACF.

designated_other1_textcolor — The color of the text in the bar at the top of the infobox for that register. Accepts standard HTML colors and any hex value. If no value is set, the text appears as regular text, i.e. black for no link and blue for a link.

Example format — designated_other1_textcolor = white.
Example format — designated_other1_textcolor = #FFFFFF.

designated_other1_link — If there is a Wikipedia article describing the local designation, type the name of it into this parameter, and the title bar will link to that page.

Example format — designated_other1_link = List of California Historical Landmarks

All state and local designations

For any site listed on a state or local register (even if it is supported by the Designation template), the following parameters are available

designated_other1_date — Date that the site was declared the local designation set in designated_other1 or designated_other1_name.

Example format — designated_other1_date = January 1, 1972.

designated_other1_number — Much like the NRHP reference number (refnum parameter explained below), some local designations have numbers (i.e. California Historic Landmark #850). This parameter allows the user to display that number.

Example format — designated_other1_number = 850.

designated_other1_num_position — Tells the infobox where to display the number declared above. Number can be displayed in the local designation's title bar (set parameter to "top"), in the information section of the infobox (set parameter to "bottom"), or both locations (set parameter to "both"). Default is both.

Example format — designated_other1_num_position = bottom.

If a site is listed on more than one state or local register, there are also designated_other2 and designated_other3 parameters, as well as the _name, _color, etc. parameters for subsequent designations.

Limitation on adding international designations

Using the above methods for inserting local designations, it is technically possible to also add international designations such as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, this infobox lists the NRHP designation first. Instead, articles such as Statue of Liberty use {{Infobox historic site}} to list the international designation(s) first.


delisted — Date that the NRHP was removed from the register. Setting a value to this parameter causes the NRHP bar to turn grey and adds the word "Former" to the beginning.

Example format — delisted = January 2, 2000.

delisted_nrhp_type — Date that the site was delisted from a specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). Requires an acceptable value in nrhp_type (which should be a former designation such as "formernhl", but doesn't have to be).

Example formats —
If the site was designated a National Historic Landmark on January 1, 2000, and delisted on January 2, 2000:
nrhp_type = formernhl, designated_nrhp_type = January 1, 2000, and delisted_nrhp_type = January 2, 2000.

delisted_nrhp_type2 — Date the NRHP was delisted from a second specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). Requires an acceptable value in nrhp_type2 and works like delisted_nrhp_type.
delisted_nrhp_type3 — Date the NRHP was delisted from a third specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). Requires an acceptable value in nrhp_type3 and works like delisted_nrhp_type.
delisted_nrhp_type4 — Date the NRHP was delisted from a fourth specific NPS title (NHL, NMEM, etc.). Requires an acceptable value in nrhp_type4 and works like delisted_nrhp_type. delisted_other1_date – Date that the site was delisted from the local register set in designated_other1_name.

Example format – delisted_other1_date = June 15, 2007.

delisted_other2_date and delisted_other3_date correspond to delisting from local registers set in designated_other2_name and designated_other3_name, respectively.

Image and map

image — Name of main image displayed. Only the title of the image. If left blank, no image is shown.

Example format — image = Manzanar Flag.jpg.

image_size — Size of main image in pixels (Do not include "px"). Default 240.

Example format — image_size = 400.

alt — Alt text for main image. This is for visually impaired readers, and typically has little in common with the image's caption; see WP:ALT.

Example format — alt = Small buildings in rows in a dusty flat area. A tattered U.S. flag flies from a pole in the foreground, and tall mountains dominate the background below a sky with clouds.

caption — Caption for main image.

Example format — caption = A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert July 3, 1942.

locmapin — If you want a map to be displayed, set this parameter to the state in which the NRHP is located. Set to "USA" if you want a map of the entire USA displayed. If the parameter is left blank, no map will be displayed. In some larger cities and some counties, more local maps can be displayed. For a complete listing of maps available, see Template:Location map.

Example format — locmapin = USA California.

district_map – For districts, a map of the district can be displayed if one exists rather than a pinpoint map of the state. Set this value to the image containing the district map. Complete details about districts are explained below. This parameter can also be used with {{Maplink}} to add interactive maps to the infobox; see second example below.

Example format – district_map = McClellan Heights district (Davenport).svg.
Example format – district_map = {{Maplink|frame=yes|plain=yes|frame-align=center|frame-width=270|frame-height=180|zoom=13|type=point|title=The Octagon|description=|marker=}}.

map_width — Width of the map in pixels (Do not include "px"). Default 235. This parameter is compatible with both a pinpoint map and a district map.

Example format — map_width = 275.

map_alt — Alt text for map. This parameter is compatible with both a pinpoint map and a district map.

Example format — map_alt = Located in California, close to the midpoint of the diagonal border between California and Nevada.

map_caption — Caption displayed under the map. This parameter is compatible with both a pinpoint map and a district map.

Example format — map_caption = Location of Thomas Center in Florida.

map_label – If you want text displayed by the marker on the location map, set that text here.

Example format – map_label = Location of Manzanar.

label_size – Font size of the label text as a percentage relative to regular.

Example format – label_size = 90 would result in font-size:90%

label_position – Position of the label text. Valid values are left, right, top, or bottom.

Example format – label_position = right.

label_background – Background color of the label text.

Example format – label_background = transparent.

locmap_relief – Set to any nonblank value to use an optional relief map, if one is provided by the selected location map template.

Example format – locmap_relief = y.

Mapframe maps

  • Basic parameters:
    • mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: no
    • mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if |mapframe-geomask= is set, "Location in geomask's label")
    • mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • mapframe-wikidata – Set to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
  • Other optional parameters:
    • mapframe-frame-width or mapframe-width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • mapframe-frame-height or mapframe-height – Frame height. Default: 200
    • mapframe-shape-fill – Color used to fill shape features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-stroke-color or mapframe-stroke-colour – Color of line features, and outlines of shape features. Default: #ff0000
    • mapframe-stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • mapframe-marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: not specified (i.e. blank)
      • Can also be set to blank to override any default marker symbol
    • mapframe-marker-color or mapframe-marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-color or mapframe-geomask-stroke-colour – Color of outline of geomask shape. Default: #555555
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • mapframe-geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" to "18", to used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates


Coordinates should use the {{Coord}} template; see that template's documentation for more information on how to use it.

coordinates — Coordinates in any display format desired, using the {{Coord}} template
Example format — coordinates = {{Coord|40|46|05|N|73|58|57|W|region:US-NY_type:railwaystation|display=inline,title}}.
Example format — coordinates = {{Coord|36.6453|-118.1567|region:US-CA|display=inline}}.
  • Unless other values are set for type: and region:, the template automatically adds type:landmark and region:US-XY, where XY is the two-letter state/territory (if any) found from |locmapin=.
  • If locmapin= is set to a value other than the name of a U.S. state, indicate the correct region: in the last unnamed parameter of {{Coord}}. (Otherwise the invalid US-X is generated.)
  • If the NRHP is a school, former school, rail station, or former rail station, indicate the correct type: (edu or railwaystation) in the last unnamed parameter.

Site info

location — Generally the street address and city where the listed property is located. Sometimes a street address is not available or is not adequate to describe the location; in such cases other location descriptions may be used, such as an intersection, boundary description, situation relative to major landforms, etc. If no location information is publicly available because of confidentiality (i.e. "address restricted"), say so in this field.

Example format — location = 123 Main Street<br />[[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]].
Example format — location = [[Roseburg, Oregon]], along SE Mill and Pine Streets between Rice and Mosher Avenues.
Example format — location = {{Address restricted}}.

nearest_city — If NRHP is located in a mostly rural area, this parameter may be used instead of or in addition to location.

Example format — nearest_city = [[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]].

area — Area of the NRHP. Mostly used with districts, parks, and sites. {{convert}} tags should be used to display standard alongside metric measurements.

Example format — area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}.

built — If the NRHP is a building or manmade structure, when it was built.

Example format — built = 1942 (1942).

builder – Person who built the NRHP (building or manmade structure).

Example format – builder = John Smith.

architect — Architect of the NRHP (building or manmade structure).

Example format — architect = [[William Augustus Edwards]] of Edwards & Saywards.

engineer — Engineer of the NRHP (building or manmade structure).

Example format — engineer = [[Gunvald Aus]], as used here

customarchitect_title — Custom title for someone involved in the construction of the site, such as "artist" or "sculptor".

Example format — customarchitect_title = Sculptor.

customarchitect — Name of the person in customarchitect_title

Example format — customarchitect = [[Olin Levi Warner]].

architecture — Architectural style.

Example format — architecture = [[Classical Revival]].

demolished – For structures that have been demolished, the date of demolition.

Example format – demolished = January 4, 2008.

restored – Date range through which the building underwent a restoration process.

Example format – restored = May 2005 – September 2010.

restored_by – Person, group, or organization that performed or oversaw the restoration.

Example format – restored_by = Historic Properties, Incorporated.

visitation_num — Number of visitors to the site.

Example format — visitation_num = 81,344.

visitation_year — Year in which visitation_num occurred.

Example format — visitation_year = 2007.

visitation_ref — Source used for visitation_num.

Example format — visitation_ref = <ref>{{NPS visitation}}</ref>.

refnum — NRHP Reference Number.

Example format — refnum = 76000484.

website — The official website, if there is one.

Example format — website = {{URL|www.example.com}}

mpsub — If the NRHP was submitted under a Multiple Property Submission, type its name here.

Example format — mpsub = California MRA.


Many articles about National Register of Historic Places listings may overlap with other categories (Point Reyes Lighthouse is also a lighthouse and contains a lighthouse infobox). Sometimes it may be necessary or desirable to combine the NRHP infobox with the other infobox(es) in an article to conserve space or to reduce redundancy. This infobox accepts a special parameter that does just this. By adding "embed = yes" to the first line of the infobox code, one can embed this infobox into another, creating the illusion of one continuous infobox. Though the process is a little complicated, it is possible to insert this infobox into most if not all other infoboxes.

In order to embed this infobox, first look at the pre-existing infobox; it should provide a |module=, |embedded=, or |extra= parameter, inside of which the NRHP should be placed. If the pre-existing infobox does not have the capacity for embedding, do not insert the NRHP infobox in any other field, but request that a parameter for embedding be added on the talk page of the other infobox.

Point reyes lighthouse 02.jpg
Lua error in Module:Infobox_mapframe at line 185: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
LocationTemplate:Wikidata location
Year first lit1900 (1900)
ConstructionCast Iron with Brick Lining
Tower shape16-sided Pyramidal
Tower height35 ft (10.6 m)
Range24 mi.
Admiralty numberG4356
ARLHS numberUSA-636
USCG number6-0385
Historic Lighthouse
Lua error in Module:Location_map at line 399: Malformed coordinates value.
CoordinatesLua error: callParserFunction: function "#coordinates" was not found.
ArchitectMarston, Phineas F.
MPSLight Stations of California MPS
NRHP reference No.[[[:Template:NRHP Focus]] 91001100]
Added to NRHPSeptember 3, 1991
{{Infobox lighthouse
| name = Lighthouse
| image_name = Point reyes lighthouse 02.jpg
| caption = Lighthouse
| location = Anytown, USA
| admiralty = G4356
| ARLHS = USA-636
| USCG = 6-0385
| yearlit = {{Start date|1900}}
| automated = 1980
| foundation = [[Concrete]]
| construction = Cast [[Iron]] with [[Brick]] Lining
| shape = 16-sided Pyramidal
| height = 35 ft (10.6 m)
| range = 24 mi.
| elevation = 265 ft.
| module = 
 {{Infobox NRHP
 | embed = yes
 | name = Historic Lighthouse
 | image = 
 | alt = 
 | caption = 
 | coordinates = {{coord|37|59|51|N|123|0|59|W}}
 | locmapin = USA California
 | map_alt = Located on the California coast, just north of San Francisco Bay
 | area =
 | architect = Marston, Phineas F.
 | added = September 3, 1991
 | mpsub = Light Stations of California MPS
 | refnum = 91001100


[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Many listings on the National Register are of historic districts rather than buildings or structures. Historic districts are collections of buildings or areas that have a certain theme or event in common with each other. Most districts consist of many buildings that, when looked at together, illustrate a significant historical event. Many times, a district will be re-evaluated after it is originally listed, and the boundaries of the district may be increased or decreased to include more buildings or to remove some old ones. If a district's boundaries are altered, a new listing on the NRHP is required as well as a new reference number.

There are several parameters that deal with boundary increases and decreases:

increase and decrease – Date on which the boundary was increased or decreased.

Example format – increase = September 3, 1979.
Example format – decrease = November 21, 1985.

increase_refnum and decrease_refnum – New reference number of the boundary increase or decrease.

Example format – increase_refnum = 79003319.
Example format – decrease_refnum = 85004727.

If a district has been increased or decreased more than once in its history, there are also increase2, increase2_refnum, decrease2, decrease2_refnum, and the respective parameters for a third increase or decrease that are used the same way.

There is also a special functionality of the infobox to replace the normal pinpoint locator map with an image file containing a map of the district (Example here). This is useful because a district may cover a very large area while the pinpoint can only show a single point. If a district map is used, it is desirable to still include the locmapin parameter (though the location map will be suppressed) as this will help with autocategorization, explained below.

The parameters for the district map are:

district_map – File name of the image of the map of the district. "Image:" or "File:" should not be included.

Example format – district_map = Beaver Historic District map.png.

map_caption, map_width, and map_alt are all compatible with this map as well as the pinpont map. For an explanation of these parameters, see above.

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24". Historic district articles are autocategorized into a state-level category, Category:Historic districts in STATE, which are all listed in Category:Historic districts in the United States by state. This categorization uses the locmapin parameter; if locmapin is left blank or not included, the article will be placed into Category:Historic districts in the United States. Since this is a top-level category, it is desirable to move articles down to lower, more localized categories. Most times this can be fixed by simply adding a state name to the locmapin parameter, but this will cause the locator map to be displayed. If, for whatever reason, the location map should not be displayed, there is a workaround:

nocat – Setting any value to this parameter will cancel all autocategorization and allow you to manually categorize the article.

Example format – nocat = yes.

This will suppress autocategorization and still allow no locator map to be displayed. This is also a useful fix for when the locator map displayed doesn't have a category yet. For example, Module:Location map/data/Boston exists, but Category:Historic districts in Boston does not. For this case, nocat can be set, and Category:Historic districts in Massachusetts can be added manually to the article.

Pages using the nocat parameter are tracked in Category:NRHP infobox with nocat (population: 0).

Contributing properties

Though most of the buildings in a historic district are an integral part of its history, some have nothing to do with the history of the district and are called non-contributing elements. Conversely, any property that contributes to the history of the district is called a contributing property. A list of all contributing and non-contributing properties can normally be found in the official NRHP nomination form for the district. If an article exists about one of these contributing properties, this infobox can be used on that article.

There are several parameters included in the infobox specifically for contributing properties:

partof — District to which the property contributes. This district is automatically linked using the {{Auto link}} template. If disambiguation is needed, a link can be input.

Example format — partof = DeFuniak Springs Historic District.
Example format — partof = [[East End Historic District (Meridian, Mississippi)|East End Historic District]].

partof_refnum — The reference number of the district in partof. NOTE: The district's reference number should NOT be put in the refnum parameter. That parameter is only for properties that are individually listed (i.e. not contributing properties).

Example format — partof_refnum = 92001048.

The date the district was listed can also be included. designated_nrhp_type should contain the date the district was listed, and it will display as "Designated CP: date" in the infobox.

If the property is part of two districts, use partof2 and partof2_refnum for the second district.

Contributing property only

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Most contributing properties, though historic, do not possess enough status individually (without considering the other properties in the district) to be listed on the National Register. For these properties "nrhp_type = cp" can be used (or if the district to which the property contributes is a National Historic Landmark District, "nrhp_type = nhldcp").

The infobox for a contributing property does not display the blue NRHP bar at the top of the infobox because the property is not actually on the National Register of Historic Places; it is only a contributing property to a district. See the next section for properties that are contributing to a district but are also individually listed.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = St. Agatha's Episcopal Church
| nrhp_type = cp
| partof = DeFuniak Springs Historic District
| partof_refnum = 92001048
| image = DeFuniak Springs Hist Dist CD0144a St Agathas.jpg
| alt = Small white clapboard church. The entrance is on the left, under another story just above the entrance, which gives the church a lopsided appearance.
| caption = St. Agatha's Episcopal Church, 2008
| location = 144 Circle Drive<br />[[DeFuniak Springs, Florida|Defuniak Springs]], [[Florida]]
| coordinates = {{coord|30|42|59|N|86|6|57|W}}
| locmapin = USA Florida
| area =  
| built = {{Start date|1896}}
| architect = 
| architecture = [[Carpenter Gothic]]
| designated_nrhp_type = August 28, 1992
| visitation_num = 
| visitation_year = 
| mpsub = 

Individually listed contributing property

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Some contributing properties possess enough status to be listed individually (with their own reference number) and as part of a district. For these properties, the blue NRHP bar is shown because the site is listed and has its own reference number. While it is not mandatory, there is a special nrhp_type for these properties, "nrhp_type = indcp"; nrhp_type = cp or nrhp_type = nhldcp can also be used, but unless a reference number for the individual property is supplied, the blue NRHP bar will not be displayed.

For individually listed contributing properties, partof_refnum should contain the reference number of the district, and refnum should contain the reference number of the property itself.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Melrose
| nrhp_type = nhl
| nrhp_type2 = cp
| partof = Natchez National Historical Park
| partof_refnum = 01000276
| image = Melrose, Main House, 1 Melrose-Montebello Parkway (Natchez, Adams County, Mississippi).jpg
| alt = Two-story building fronted with a portico with four Greek columns
| caption = Melrose in 1975
| location = Melrose Avenue, [[Natchez, Mississippi]]
| area = {{convert|80|acre}}
| built = {{Start date|1845}}
| architect =
| architecture = [[Greek Revival architecture|Greek Revival]]
| designated_nrhp_type = May 30, 1974
| designated_nrhp_type2 = October 7, 1988
| added = May 30, 1974
| refnum = 74002253


Standard NRHP

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

The infobox to the right is an example of Infobox NRHP in action at the Oakwood Cemetery article. Oakwood cemetery was listed on the NRHP in 1984 and has had no further designations (e.g. NHL, NMON, etc.)

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Oakwood Cemetery
| nrhp_type =
| image = Oakwood Chapel Pano.jpg
| caption = Section G-4 of Oakwood Cemetery, overlooking Sections G-3 and H-1
| location = 50 101st Street<br />[[Troy, New York]], United States
| alt = A panoramic view of the cemetery; a dirt road pass in front of the view from right to left. At center is a grey church-like structure, surrounded on all sides by various sized grave stones.
| coordinates = {{coord|42|45|20.11|N|73|40|16.92|W}}
| locmapin = USA New York
| map_alt = A map of New York with a red dot near the eastern central portion of the state.
| area = '''Total''': {{convert|352|acre|ha}}<br />
'''NRHP Property''': {{convert|325|acre|ha}}
| built = {{Start date|1848}}
| architect = John C. Sidney<br />John Boetcher
| architecture = [[Greek Revival]], [[Roman Revival]], [[Gothic Revival]], [[Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]], [[Egyptian Revival]], [[Palladian]], and other eclectic styles
| added = October 4, 1984
| refnum = 84000021

More than one NRHP type

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Notice that nrhp_type and nrhp_type2 contain the NPS designation, and designated_nrhp_type and designated_nrhp_type2 contain the designation dates for the corresponding nrhp_types.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Manzanar War Relocation Center
| nrhp_type = nhl
| nrhp_type2 = nhs
| image = Manzanar Flag.jpg
| alt = Small buildings in rows in a dusty flat area. A tattered U.S. flag flies from a pole in the foreground, and tall mountains dominate the background below a sky with clouds.
| caption = A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert July 3, 1942
| nearest_city = [[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]]
| coordinates = {{coord|36|43|42|N|118|9|16|W}}
| locmapin = USA California
| map_alt = Located in California, close to the midpoint of the diagonal border between California and Nevada
| area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}
| built = {{Start date|1942}}
| added = July 30, 1976
| designated_nrhp_type = February 4, 1985
| designated_nrhp_type2 = March 3, 1992
| visitation_num = 81,344
| visitation_year = 2007
| refnum = 76000484

Delisted NRHP

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

The Lenoir Cotton Mill was originally listed on the NRHP in 1973 but was destroyed by fire in 1991. Subsequently, in 2002, the building's NRHP designation was withdrawn. To reflect this in the infobox, the delisted parameter contains the date on which the site was delisted, and it causes the NRHP bar at the top of the infobox to turn grey and adds "Formerly listed."

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Lenoir Cotton Mill
| image = Lenoir-cotton-mill-front-habs4.jpg
| caption = Lenoir Cotton Mill in 1983
| location = Depot Street in [[Lenoir City, Tennessee]]
| coordinates = {{coord|35|47|27|N|84|15|47|W}}
| locmapin = USA Tennessee
| built = circa 1830
| added = 1973
| delisted = July 30, 2002
| refnum = 75001767

Delisted from NPS designation but not NRHP

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

A property can sometimes be delisted from a certain NPS title (National Monument, National Historic Landmark, etc.), but still remain on the NRHP. For example, the Lincoln Motor Company Plant was first designated a National Historic Landmark in 1978. After part of the campus was demolished, however, the NHL status was removed, although the NRHP status was kept. To reflect this in the infobox, nrhp_type = formernhl. delisted_nrhp_type contains the date on which the site was delisted as an NHL, and designated_nrhp_type contains the date on which the site was originally listed or designated as an NHL. The site, however, still remains on the NRHP, so the infobox still shows the blue NRHP bar at the top.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Lincoln Motor Company Plant
| nrhp_type = formernhl
| image = LincolnPlant1923.jpg
| caption = Lincoln plant in 1923, showing newer Ford-built addition in rear
| location = 6200 W. Warren Ave., [[Detroit, Michigan|Detroit]], [[Michigan]]
| coordinates = {{coord|42|20|44|N|83|7|46|W}}
| locmapin = USA Michigan
| built = {{Start date|1917}}
| architect = Walbridge-Aldinger Co.; [[George Mason]], [[Albert Kahn (architect)|Albert Kahn]]
| architecture =
| added = June 2, 1978
| designated_nrhp_type = June 2, 1978
| delisted_nrhp_type = April 4, 2005
| area = {{convert|62|acre}}
| refnum = 78001521

One or more local designations

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Notice that with designated_other1_num_position = top, the CHISL# is only displayed in the title bar, not the information section. designated_other2_num_position is set to "bottom", so it does the opposite. If there were a third local designation, and its num_position parameter was left blank, it would display in the default manner – both top and bottom.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Manzanar War Relocation Center
| nrhp_type = nhl
| nrhp_type2 = nhs
| nearest_city = [[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]]
| coordinates = {{coord|36|43|42|N|118|9|16|W}}
| image = Manzanar Flag.jpg
| alt = Small buildings in rows in a dusty flat area. A tattered U.S. flag flies from a pole in the foreground, and tall mountains dominate the background below a sky with clouds.
| caption = A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert July 3, 1942
| locmapin = USA California
| map_alt = Located in California, close to the midpoint of the diagonal border between California and Nevada
| area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}
| built = {{Start date|1942}}
| added = July 30, 1976
| designated_nrhp_type = February 4, 1985
| designated_nrhp_type2 = March 3, 1992
| designated_other1 = California Historical Landmark
| designated_other1_date = 1972
| designated_other1_number = 850
| designated_other1_num_position = top
| designated_other2 = LAHCM
| designated_other2_date = September 15, 1976
| designated_other2_number = 160
| designated_other2_num_position = bottom
| visitation_num = 81,344
| visitation_year = 2007
| refnum = 76000484

Only image – no map

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Notice the Coordinates are still displayed even though the map is not.

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Manzanar War Relocation Center
| nrhp_type = nhl
| nrhp_type2 = nhs
| image = Manzanar Flag.jpg
| alt = Small buildings in rows in a dusty flat area. A tattered U.S. flag flies from a pole in the foreground, and tall mountains dominate the background below a sky with clouds.
| caption = A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert July 3, 1942
| nearest_city = [[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]]
| coordinates = {{coord|36|43|42|N|118|9|16|W}}
| area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}
| built = {{Start date|1942}}
| added = July 30, 1976
| designated_nrhp_type = February 4, 1985
| designated_nrhp_type2 = March 3, 1992
| visitation_num = 81,344
| visitation_year = 2007
| refnum = 76000484

Only map – no image

[[Category:Template:Pagetype with short description]]Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

{{Infobox NRHP
| name = Manzanar War Relocation Center
| nrhp_type = nhl
| nrhp_type2 = nhs
| nearest_city = [[Independence, California|Independence]], [[California]]
| locmapin = USA California
| map_alt = Located in California, close to the midpoint of the diagonal border between California and Nevada
| coordinates = {{coord|36|43|42|N|118|9|16|W}}
| area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}
| built = {{Start date|1942}}
| added = July 30, 1976
| designated_nrhp_type = February 4, 1985
| designated_nrhp_type2 = March 3, 1992
| visitation_num = 81,344
| visitation_year = 2007
| refnum = 76000484


TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
See the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Infobox NRHP

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter has terminated with signal "24".

Infobox about sites listed on the United States National Register of Historic Places.

Template parameters

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


Name of historic place.

NRHP Typenrhp_type

Type of the Historic Place


Image of the place

Image alternative textalt

Alt text to display if the image does not display for whatever reason

Image captioncaption

Caption for the image.


Location of the place


Geographical coordinates, in {{Coord}} format

Location of maplocmapin

City in which the historic place is

Map Alternative Textmap_alt

Alternative text if the map is not displayed for whatever reason


Area of the listing, in acres or square miles depending on size, using {{convert}} to produce metric equivalents in hectares (must add '|ha' after number) or square kilometers


Year in which the place is built


Name of the architect of the place

Architecture Stylearchitecture

Style of architecture on which the place is built

Date Addedadded

Date on which the place was registered in NRHP

Reference Numberrefnum

Reference number in NRHP


Date on which the place was delisted from NRHP




Tracking categories

See also