Template:Infobox photographic lens

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{{Infobox photographic lens}} is for articles on photographic lenses.


{{Infobox photographic lens
|name          = (REQUIRED) Lens name
|image         = An image to show in the infobox
|caption       = A caption for the image
|maker         = Who makes the lens (link)
|mount         = Lens mount(s) the lens is available in (link, if possible)
|part-number   = model code, MPN, EAN, etc.
|style         = <!-- Used with "nikon" only -->
|focusdrive    = Autofocus drive (e.g. screwdrive, stepper, ring-type ultrasonic motor)
|feat-usm      = (DEPRECATED, use |focusdrive = instead) Features Silent Motor technology
|feat-ws       = Lens is weather-sealed
|feat-mfo      = Manual focus override/full time manual focus
|feat-sbf      = (Canon EF and EF-S mount only; EF means no) Requires short back focus body
|feat-is       = Features built-in image stabilization technology
|feat-macro    = Macro focus capable (please use max-mag instead)
|feat-ar       = Lens has an aperture ring
|feat-special  = Special categorization e.g. diffractive optic, L-Series, etc.
|application   = Suggested application (e.g portrait, landscape, etc.)
|type          = Zoom, Prime or Special
|flength       = Actual focal length (range for a zoom lens)
|flength-eq    = Equivalent focal length, nominally for a 35 mm sensor size (range for a zoom lens)
                 (not relevant for systems with multiple sensor sizes)
|fov           = Field of view (given as a focal length multiplier) for default sensor size (deprecated, as this is a property of the camera, not the lens - use image-format instead)
|image-format  = Description of image format either by defining the [[image circle]] diameter or the image format (f.e. 24x36mm, full-frame, APS-C, etc.)
|aperture      = Maximum and minimum apertures (given in f-stops)
|elements      = Lens construction (# elements)
|groups        = Lens construction (# groups)
|diaphragm     = Number of diaphragm blades and type
|close-dist    = Close focusing distance (m/ft)
|max-dist      = Max. focusing distance (m/ft)
|max-mag       = Max. magnification
                 (1:10...1:2 for non-macro lenses, 1:2...1:1 for macro lenses, 1:1...5:1 for magnifier lenses)
|min-length    = Lens minimum length (mm/in)
|max-length    = Lens maximum length (mm/in)
|max-diameter  = Lens maximum diameter (mm/in)
|weight        = Lens weight without body, caps and pouch (kg/lbs)
|filter        = Filter diameter (mm), pitch and type
|color         = Color of lens housing (list, if several colors available)
|fw-initial    = initial lens firmware version when lens started shipment
|fw-latest     = latest lens firmware available
|fw-date       = release date of fw-latest or date of last update of entry, can be abbreviated to year
|fw-flashbyuser= Yes/no depending on if lens firmware is flashable by user, needs to be sent in to service or isn't flashable at all
|exif-lens-id  = Lens ID, as per Exif MakerNote data (if supported by lens)
|exif-lens-spec= Lens spec string, as per Exif MakerNote data (if supported by lens)
|hood          = Lens hood
|case          = Lens case or pouch
|av-horiz      = Angle of view (horizontal)
|av-vert       = Angle of view (vertical)
|av-diag       = Angle of view (diagonal)
|start         = Year the lens was introduced
|stop          = Year the lens was discontinued
|predecessor   = The lens that is the predecessor of this item (link)
|successor     = The lens that superseded this item (link)
|replace       = (DEPRECATED, use |successor = instead)
|msrp          = Manufacturer's suggested retail price (typically at initial shipment)
|msrp-currency = ISO 4217 currency code for msrp (USD, EUR, JPY etc.)
|msrp-date     = date of when msrp was issued, can be abbreviated to year
|references    = References supporting the infobox contents, e.g. link to manufacturer spec sheet

All fields except 'name' are optional.



zh:Template:Infobox Photographic lens