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< Module:Sandbox‎ | Ajuanca
Revision as of 16:47, 26 September 2020 by blackwiki>Ajuanca (solme more docstring)
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Place the following snippet on the wiki page, replacing function_name with the name of the function to be used, and giving the parameters separated with |. Specific parameters, the ones with a specific name, like avgs, are assigned with the = sign: |avgs=2,3,4|.

For all the examples shown below, the file Data:COVID-19 cases in is going to be used.

{{#invoke:Sandbox/Ajuanca|function_name|param1|param2|param name = param value}}

Incidence proportion

This function calculates the incidence proportion of a specific event for all the available dates.

I.e.: The daily confirmed cases of flu per 10.000 inhabitants in Asturias.


The possible parameters are:

  • src= or the first param: The name of the Tabular file. These files are hosted on Wikimedia Commons, inside the Data namespace ("Data:name of tabular"). The files in this section must end with the suffix ("Data: name of tabular"). I.e. The file itself, "COVID-19 cases in"
  • column_name= or the second param: The name of the column where the data of the event is stored. I.e. The column with the total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Asturias, called "total_cases".
  • date_name= or the third param: The name of the column where the date of the data of the event is stored. I.e. The column with the date (in a String format YYYY-MM-DD), called "date".
  • inhabitants= or the fourth param: The population size of the given region. I.e. 1,018,775 total inhabitants living in Asturias, according to the INE as a temporarly data for January 1st, 2020.
  • nth= or the fifth param: The power of 10 for the generated output (the power of ten to the nth, 10n). This value normally will be 4 or 5, althought can be changed for smaller or bigger population sizes. I.e. 5, which causes the output to be given per 105 inhabitants (100,000).
  • graph= param: A Boolean (true or false) specifiying if a graph should be generated as an output. Default is false. I.e. true (showing a graph as an output).
  • ltable= param: A Boolean (true or false) specifiying if the Lua variable should be generated as an output. Default is false. I.e. false (no returning the variable itself). This is a extrange value to be requested.
  • wtable= param: A Boolean (true or false) specifiying if a Wikitable table should be generated as an output. Default is false. I.e. false (no returning a wikitable). This options is still NOT AVAILABLE.

Note 1: Instead of the column_name parameter, column_title can be used intead. Alike, date_title can be given. It is unusual, but two or more columns could have the same title (but not the same name), so this approach is less safe than column_name and date_name.

Note 2: If graph=true is requested, all parameters available at the Module:Graph can be given. They will be passed to this moduled without any kind of modification.

As a recap, the snippet to include will loke like this:



local p = {}
	~~ A specialized module to work with epidemics data. ~~
	In order to use it:
	- Data should be stored in Wikimedia Commons, as a Tabular file.
	- The module is added to any wiki with: {{#invoke:path|param1|param2|...}}
	- All the functions that don't begin with an underscore are thought 
	  to be invoked. The remaining functions are "internal" functions.
	- Make sure you give the correct params. All functions include an 
	Please consider writing to my discussion page (User_talk:Ajuanca) 
	for any problem, question, critic or anything. 

	ToDo list:
	[ ] Generate wikitable
	[ ] Add positive rate

	Some ideas that maybe are implemented:
	* Divide functions (graph, wikitable) instead of booleans?? 
	* Join functions (get_avg_incidence + get_all_incidence = get_incidences)
	* Get rid of internal join_tables function.

mgraph = require("Module:Graph")

-- Join two tables.
-- Number index are added over the first table.
-- Other type of keys are added "as they are".
function p.join_tables(_table1, _table2)
	for k, arg in pairs(_table2) do
		if not tonumber(k) then
			_table1[k] = arg
			table.insert(_table1, arg)
	return _table1

-- Converts table data type to String.
-- Keys should be int numbers.
-- Values are concatenated with ", "
function p.table2string(_table)
	original_table = _table
	wrapped = ""
	for i=1, #original_table do
		wrapped = wrapped .. original_table[i] .. ", "
	return wrapped:sub(0, -3)

-- Graph the given data.
-- All Moduule:Graph parameters are given.
function p._graph(args)
	local ret =  mgraph.chart {args=args}
	local graph = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag('graph', ret)
	return graph

function p._get_avg_incidence(args)
	local incidences = args.incidences or args[1]
	local dates = args.dates or args[2]
	local avg_period = args.period or 3
	local periods_avg = {}
	local periods_dates = {}
	local period_cases = {}
	for i, sincidence in ipairs(incidences) do
		table.insert(period_cases, sincidence)
		if #period_cases == avg_period then
			local total = 0
	    	for i = 1, #period_cases do
	        	total = total + tonumber(period_cases[i])
	    	table.insert(periods_avg, total/#period_cases)
	    	period_cases = {}
	for i, sdate in ipairs(dates) do
		if i%avg_period == 0 then
			table.insert(periods_dates, sdate)
	return {periods_avg, periods_dates}

-- Get an average for the incidence proportion of a specific event.
-- ie. The week average of the daily confirmed cases of flu.
-- The given parameters are:
-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""
-- [2] or column_name: The name of the column.
-- [3] or date_name: The name of the date column.
-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.
-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.
-- column_title: The column title of the data to work with.
-- date_title: The column title of the date.
-- period: The number of values to perform the average with. 
-- 		   Default is 3 (ie: 3 days).
function p.get_avg_incidence(frame)
	return_graph = frame.args.graph == "true"
	return_table = frame.args.ltable == "true"
	return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable == "true"
	all_incidence = p.join_tables(p._get_all_incidence(frame.args), frame.args)
	avg_incidence = p._get_avg_incidence(all_incidence)
	to_return = {}
	if return_table then
		table.insert(to_return, avg_incidence)
	avg_incidence = p.join_tables(avg_incidence, frame.args)
	if return_graph then
		avg_incidence.x = p.table2string(table.remove(avg_incidence, 2))
		avg_incidence.y = p.table2string(table.remove(avg_incidence, 1))
		table.insert(to_return, p._graph(avg_incidence))
	if return_wikitable then
		mw.log("in progress")
	if #to_return == 1 then
		to_return = to_return[1]
	return to_return

function p._get_all_incidence(args)
	local data_page = args.src or args[1]
	local data =
	local column_name = args.column_name or args[2]
	local date_name = args.date_name or args[3]
	local total_residents = tonumber(args.inhabitants) or tonumber(args[4])
	local n = tonumber(args.nth) or tonumber(args[5])
	local column_title = args.column_title or nil
	local date_title = args.date_title or nil
	local ci = nil
	local di = nil
	local column_values = {}
	local date_values = {}
	for j, field in ipairs(data.schema.fields) do
		if == column_name or field.title == column_title then
			ci = j
		elseif == date_name or field.title == date_title then
			di = j
		if ci and di then
	for j, record in ipairs( do
		row_value = (tonumber(record[ci])*10^tonumber(n))/tonumber(total_residents)
		table.insert(column_values, row_value)
		table.insert(date_values, record[di])
	return {column_values, date_values}

-- Get the incidence proportion of a specific event for all the available dates.
-- Def: "Number of new cases of disease during specified time interval"
-- ie. The daily confirmed cases of flu per 10.000 inhabitants.
-- The given parameters are:
-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""
-- [2] or column_name: The name of the column.
-- [3] or date_name: The name of the date column.
-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.
-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.
-- column_title: The column title of the data to work with.
-- date_title: The column title of the date.
function p.get_all_incidence(frame)
	all_incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args)
	return_graph = frame.args.graph == "true"
	return_table = frame.args.ltable == "true"
	return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable == "true"
	to_return = {}
	if return_table then
		table.insert(to_return, all_incidence)
	all_incidence = p.join_tables(all_incidence, frame.args)
	if return_graph then
		all_incidence.x = p.table2string(table.remove(all_incidence, 2))
		all_incidence.y = p.table2string(table.remove(all_incidence, 1))
		table.insert(to_return, p._graph(all_incidence))
	if return_wikitable then
		mw.log("in progress")
	if #to_return == 1 then
		to_return = to_return[1]
	return to_return

function p.string2table(_string)
	stable = {}
	for value in _string:gmatch("[^,]+") do 
		table.insert(stable, value) 
	return stable

-- Get the incidence proportion of a specific event for the specific intervals.
-- Various events and averages can be given. If no averages are specified,
-- daily info is given.
-- ie. The daily confirmed cases of flu per 10.000 inhabitants and the week
-- average of hospital occupation due to flu per 10.000 inhabitants.
-- The given parameters are:
-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""
-- [2] or column_names: The names of the columns for the different events.
-- [3] or date_name: The name of the columnthat contains the date information.
-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.
-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.
-- avgs: The averages of the events to be calculated. 
--       ie: 3 (days)
function p.get_incidences(frame)
	columns = nil
	incidences = {}
	dates = {}
	avgs = nil
	if frame.args.column_names then
		columns = p.string2table(frame.args.column_names)
		columns = p.string2table(table.remove(frame.args, 2))
	if frame.args.avgs then
		avgs = p.string2table(frame.args.avgs)
	if not avgs then
		for i, incidence in ipairs(columns) do
			frame.args.column_name = incidence
			incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args)
			table.insert(incidences, incidence[1])
			table.insert(dates, incidence[2])
		for i, incidence in ipairs(columns) do
			frame.args.column_name = incidence
			local all_incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args)
			local all_args = p.join_tables(all_incidence, frame.args)
			all_args.period = tonumber(avgs[i])
			incidence = p._get_avg_incidence(all_args)
			table.insert(incidences, incidence[1])
			table.insert(dates, incidence[2])
	return_graph = frame.args.graph == "true"
	return_table = frame.args.ltable == "true"
	return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable == "true"
	to_return = {}
	if return_table then
		table.insert(to_return, {incidences, dates})
	if return_graph or true then
		to_graph = {}
		for i, incidence in ipairs(incidences) do
			key = "y" .. tostring(i)
			to_graph[key] = p.table2string(incidence)
			-- xnth values are not inserted due to Module:Graph limitations.
		to_graph.x = p.table2string(dates[1])
		to_graph = p.join_tables(to_graph, frame.args)
		table.insert(to_return, p._graph(to_graph))
	if return_wikitable then
		mw.log("in progress")
	if #to_return == 1 then
		to_return = to_return[1]
	return to_return

return p